Tips for a Safer Workplace

2024-02-05T09:07:33+10:0015/05/2023|General, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized, Workers Rights|

Tips for a Safer Workplace

World Day for Safety & Health at Work: Tips for a Safer Workplace

On the 28th of April 2022, Australia will once again mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day. A day  to reflect on the injuries, fatalities and harm that people are exposed to at work and to remember those who have died in the workplace. While much has been done to improve workplace safety in recent years, injuries are still common, and fatalities remain a tragic reality in our lives. By raising awareness of the importance of workplace safety, the day seeks to improve Australian work safety standards and aims to support World Day for Safety and Health by providing important safety tips for those working in risky or dangerous environments.

The Importance of Workplace Safety

Queensland’s Work Health and Safety Act 2011 charges business owners and employers with providing a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, customers and other parties on site. As far as reasonably possible, employers must provide things such as safety instruction, protective equipment and workplace training to protect employees.

The welcome news is that WHS standards have seen a steady decline in workplace fatalities over the past decade. However, there is more work to do, with 194 Australians suffering fatal incidents and 28,732 people reporting serious workplace injuries during 2020. Every injury or fatality that occurs in the workplace puts a strain on the people and families involved. Medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages and the loss of the ability to work are a significant hurdle that can often be difficult to overcome, even with workers’ compensation claims.

Tips for Staying Safe at Work

While it is nominally the employer’s responsibility to maintain a safe work environment, employees should take an active role in their health and wellbeing:

  1. Request training. Avoid the risk of using unfamiliar or dangerous equipment without training. If none has been provided, make a point of seeking formal training for new processes.
  2. Use machinery, equipment and tools correctly. Proper use of equipment drastically reduces your chance of being injured at work. While it may be tempting to take shortcuts, overconfidence can cause injury just as easily as a lack of training.
  3. Wear protective equipment. Some workplaces, such as hospitals and machinery shops, are required to supply protective equipment to employees. Be sure to wearpersonal protective equipment where needed. Remember, the health effects of things like loud environments may only become apparent years later, so it is crucial to look after yourself in the short term.
  4. Maintain your equipment. Tools and equipment should be kept in reasonablecondition to reduce the risk of accidental failures. Maintenance items as simple as frayed power cords can cause fatal injuries, so stay on top of regular equipment maintenance.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings. A large proportion of workplace injuries are caused by simple carelessness. Always bee mindful of your surroundings and other employees to avoid injuring yourself or someone else.
  6. Find out who is in charge of workplace safety. Most workplaces will nominate a single person or a team to oversee safety issues. Be sure you know who these people are in your business so that you can seek them out if you are experiencing an problem.
  7. Report safety concerns. Employees deal with their tools and equipment daily. That often means they have firsthand knowledge of things like unsafe practices, failing machinery and maintenance concerns. If you notice a problem in your workplace, report it immediately and follow up to be sure it is addressed promptly.

Have You Been Injured While at Work? Contact Your Revolution Lawyer Today

Unfortunately, while visa holders are entitled to the same workplace rights as other employees in Australia, some employers may still attempt to take advantage of foreign workers. In addition to

Each day, people all over Brisbane clock in at work to perform potentially dangerous tasks that keep our city running smoothly. While many workplaces are aware of the risk to their employees and take measures to ensure their safety, workplace injuries and workplace accidents are still common.In Queensland, Worker’s Compensation protects employees should they become injured while at work. If you suffer an injury, you may be entitled to seek compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages and undue suffering. When dealing with a workplace injury, it is essential to seek professional legal and medical advice as soon as possible. Your local Revolution Law team can assess your situation, assist you with making a claim and ensure you have access to the experts you need. Our process focuses on being supportive and resolving your claim as quickly as possible, getting you back to work sooner. Have a claim? Speak to your local Revolution Lawyer for a free consultation regarding your Worker’s Compensation claims.

Worker’s Rights for Those on a Working Visa

2024-07-23T18:17:33+10:0015/05/2023|General, Uncategorized, Workers Rights|

Worker’s Rights for Those on a Working Visa

Disclaimer: Please note that Revolution Lawyers do not provide visa or immigration services. We do not handle immigration-related cases of any kind. This article serves as a helpful guide for individuals who suffer workplace injuries while on a working visa. Our focus is strictly on injury and compensation law, ensuring our clients receive the support and representation they need in these matters.

Australia is a large country, and most of us rely on our cars to get where we need to go. Having a Despite restrictions on travel due to COVID-19 over the past few years, Australia still has more than 1.6 million people in the country on temporary and permanent visas. Some of those people are simply here to visit and travel, but many will stay longer to study, work and spend time in our beautiful country. Australia maintains friendly relationships with countries all over the world, offering easy access to travel and working visas for those looking to visit our shores. Coming to Australia on a working visa allows you to find employment during your stay. But, are you entitled to the same rights and protections as other employees in the country? In this blog we will explore working visas and the rights they grant to travellers.

Which Australian Visas Grant the Right to Work?

Australia is a nation built on tourism and migration. A large proportion of our working population are in the country on working visas. In fact, there are more than 120 different kinds of Australian visa, many of which offer the right to work. The most common types of working visa include:

  • Student and Graduate Visas. Student and graduate visas allow international students some right to work during their stay in Australia. There are usually restrictions placed on the amount of hours the student can work and whether or not they must remain enrolled in education.
  • Working Holiday Visas. Plenty of Australia’s tourists come with the intention of working as they travel. Working holiday visas allow people to stay in Australia for 12 months and perform short-term work to fund their travel. Working holiday makers can only work for each employer for 6 months.
  • Skilled Occupation Visas. There are several classes of skilled occupation visas that allow skilled workers to work in the country. Travellers who work in a Skilled Occupation can apply for a visa that entitles them to stay and work in Australia permanently.
  • New Zealand Visas. Australia and New Zealand have always held a close political relationship. New Zealand residents normally do not need to apply for a visa when entering Australia. Instead, NZ citizens with a valid passport are issued a temporary visa that allows them to work and study. The visa ceases automatically when you leave Australia.

Rights of Australian Working Visa Holders

Australia’s workplace laws apply equally to everyone who is employed in the country. That includes both natural citizens and foreign workers who are here on a working visa. While the visa you hold can restrict the type and hours of work you may perform, visa holders are protected by the National Employment Standards (NES) and Commonwealth workplace laws.

Visa holders are entitled to:

  • At least the minimum wage (currently $20.33)
  • Payslips, superannuation and the payment of tax
  • Safe working conditions
  • Limits on the maximum hours they can work per week
  • Annual, personal and compassionate leave
  • Public holidays
  • Termination notice and redundancy pay
  • The right for some casual employees to become permanent employees

In Australia, the minimum rights and conditions of work are set out in documents called awards. Most industries receive their own award agreement. To find out more about your rights, ask your employer which award applies to you.

Exploitation of Visa Holders

Unfortunately, while visa holders are entitled to the same workplace rights as other employees in Australia, some employers may still attempt to take advantage of foreign workers. In addition to minimum employment entitlements, it is also illegal for employers to circumvent requirements by classifying their employees as independent contractors. Other common exploitation tactics include underpaying employees, failing to pay tax or superannuation, unlawful deductions from wages and threats to cancel your visa. Your employer has no power to cancel visas of any type. Only the Department of Home Affairs may issue, refuse or cancel a working visa.

Visa holders working in Australia should seek help from the Fair Work Ombudsman if they are experiencing exploitation. If exploitative or unfair workplace treatment has resulted in you being injured at work, you may also be entitled to make a worker’s compensation claim against your employer.

Have You Been Injured at Work? Contact Your Revolution Lawyer Today

Australia’s workplaces are built on the legal rights that underpin all work in the country. Working visa holders are entitled to all the same rights and protections as other Australian employees. If you have been exploited by your employer and it has led to an injury, you can file a claim and pursue compensation for any suffering and expenses you encounter. Speak to your local Revolution Law team today. Our experienced compensation Lawyers can ensure your situation is properly documented and help file any claims you are entitled to make. Contact us online and let us help you get back to work sooner.

How to change your CTP insurer? – Revolution Law


How to change your CTP insurer?

What does CTP Insurance do for me?

The Queensland vehicle registration includes a separate insurance called Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance.   You can choose between four insurers;  in alphabetical order- 

✔AAI Limited (trading as Suncorp)

✔ Allianz Australia Insurance Limited

✔ QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited

✔ RACQ Insurance Limited (trading as RACQ Insurance)

Fun Fact – Did you know you can change your CTP? If you decide to change, the new insurer will take over on your next registration renewal. 

First, do a CTP Insurer Search with MAIC to see your options. 

A new screen will come up with the premium of each insurer, the reasons each insurer wants you to select them and details of how to change to your preferred insurer. 

Or you can wait for your vehicle registration invoice and change the insurer on the CTP Invoice (behind the registration notice) 

Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance is your protection on the roads.

CTP Insurance covers you if you accidentally injure someone while you are driving.  Instead of the injured person claiming against you for the cost of treatment & medical expenses, the loss of income and all the rest of it, they claim against the Compulsory Third Party Insurance. CTP is your protection against financial disaster. 

On the other hand – if you are the one injured in an car crash, you can claim against the at-fault driver’s  CTP Insurance for all medical treatment, treatment expenses such as medication and rehabilitation, domestic assistance (if needed), past and future economic loss (including time off work), and damages for ‘pain and suffering’. Again – this insurance can save you from the financial disaster of the cost of getting your life back on track after an accident.   

If you have had a car accident and need help claiming compensation for injuries and loss of income, contact us for a free consultation. Our lawyers are compassionate and experienced with Personal Injury Law Claims. 

Wherever you are in the Sunshine State, we can offer a free consultation with a lawyer, either face-to-face or via phone call or video link.  

What is Work Cover

2023-01-08T18:25:17+10:0006/01/2023|Injury, Uncategorized, Workers Rights|

What is Work Cover?

WorkCover Queensland is an insurance company that provides workers’ compensation insurance.

An employer pays annual premiums to cover their employees.

Are injured workers still eligible for compensation if your employer is uninsured?   

YES! If Workcover is required to pay your worker’s injury claim, and your employer is uninsured or under-insured, they can recover from your employer the amount they have paid out on the claim, plus a further penalty.

Accident insurance is compulsory if you employ workers in Queensland.

Can your employer charge you for having Workers’ Compensation Insurance? 

NO! It is an offence to charge a worker (directly or indirectly) for the cost of workers’ compensation or damages. ANY AMOUNT paid for a work injury claim can be recovered and a fee imposed.

Can your boss sack you for being injured at work? 

NO! Workers who have work-related injuries are protected by legislation. This includes protecting them from dismissal within 12 months of sustaining a workers injury.

Does your boss have to provide rehabilitation if you are injured at work? 

YES! Your employer must provide you with workplace rehabilitation in case of a claim. They should support you in getting better and back to work safely and as early as possible.

What types of Injuries are covered by WorkCover? 

  • physical injuries – cuts, lacerations, burns,
  • penetrating wounds, broken bones or fractures
  • psychological and psychiatric injuries – depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder
  • diseases – industrial deafness, Q-work related respiratory diseases, such as asbestosis, silicosis, and others
  • aggravated injury or ongoing symptoms
  • critical injuries or work-related fatalities.

I was injured on the way to work -am I still covered? 

YES – You are covered

  • At your workplace
  • Travelling between worksites
  • While working interstate and overseas.
  • Travelling between work and home (“journey claim”).

What about if the injury is a result of serious or wilful misconduct? 

The injury may be covered. The injury would need to meet specific criteria. Ask our Revolution Law team for further explanation on this matter.

What about if it was my fault? 

The statutory scheme operates on a no-fault basis, meaning a worker can claim regardless of who caused the injury.

What does WorkCover compensation cover? 

Basically, the following are covered, with various qualifications depending on individual circumstances.

  • weekly benefits for lost wages
  • medical expenses
  • rehabilitation expenses (such as physiotherapy or counselling)
  • hospital expenses
  • travelling expenses
  • lump sum compensation for permanent impairment
  • death benefits.

What about if I lose the use of or part of my body? 

If you suffer a permanent impairment— loss of efficient use of part of the body, or loss of part of the body—as a result of your work-related injury, you may be entitled to a lump sum compensation.

If I die due to a work-related injury, does WorkCover help my family? 

WorkCover may pay compensation for the death of a worker to the workers’ family (‘dependants’). Payments can include any medical costs, funeral costs, and compensation payable where family members are partially or totally dependent on the worker’s earnings. Qualifications depend on individual circumstances.

When does Workcover stop paying me? 

A worker’s entitlement to weekly compensation ends when the first of the following happens

  • You return to work and are no longer injured
  • You receive a lump-sum offer
  • You have received weekly payments for five years
  • Your total weekly compensation reaches the maximum amount payable.

When does Workcover stop paying for my treatment?

WorkCover will stop paying medical treatment, rehabilitation, hospital, travelling, and expenses when your entitlement to weekly compensation ends and the injury will no longer improve with further treatment.

I am not happy with WorkCovers compensation offer. What can I do now? 

You may choose to seek damages for their injury through a common law claim. Your policy covers you for the cost of a common law claim. You must meet certain criteria before you are entitled to seek damages and you will need to establish some liability on the employer’s part.

Common law costs (damages) can include payments for:

  • pain and suffering
  • past and future wages or economic loss
  • past and future medical costs

legal costs.

In most instances, statutory claim costs are offset against any damages to be paid. Check out this LINK to find out more information.

If you’re concerned about a worker or you had an injury, contact your local Revolution Law Team to discuss your options. For further information about WorkCover and your rights at work, we can organise a no-obligation meeting with a lawyer whenever suits you. 

Time limitations on injury compensation claims

2022-07-20T09:40:39+10:0020/04/2022|Injury, Uncategorized|

Time Limitations On Injury Compensation Claims

What are the time limitations on injury compensation claims? and what are you entitled to? This blog answers these questions and supplies you with general information surrounding the injury claim process.

The injuries you suffer can have a dramatic effect on your life. Personal injuries have the potential to impact your family, work and burden you with large medical expenses. The good news is that you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim against the person or organisation responsible for your injury. 

When you make a claim for an injury that occurs at work, in public or while driving, you can seek money to cover the value of your damages. In most cases, this means you can claim compensation for things like medical expenses and lost wages, but in cases of severe injury, you may also be able to claim damages to cover undue psychological suffering. The severity of your injury and the setting where it occurs will have an impact on the claim you can make, especially in the form of time limits.

Workers’ Compensation Claims Time Limits

If you are injured at work, then you may lodge a claim with WorkCover Queensland within 6 months of the injury occurring. Queensland’s Workers’ Compensation system has a ‘no fault’ scheme that means you are entitled to apply for compensation, regardless of who caused your injury. The 6-month time limit may be waived by WorkCover in special circumstances, such as:

  • Where a WorkCover medical tribunal decides that your case involves special circumstances of a medical nature.
  • Where WorkCover is satisfied that your failure to lodge a claim was due to a mistake, your absence from Queensland or for some other reasonable cause.

Public Liability Claims Time Limits

When your injury occurs in a public place and is due to someone else’s negligence, you must lodge and resolve your public liability claim within 3 years of the injury occurring. Despite the name, public liability claims also cover injuries that occur in private places, such as at sporting fields and shopping centres. Public liability claims are often lodged for the typical slips and falls but may also cover more unusual injuries such as food poisoning.

The most common types of public liability claims in Queensland include:

  • Injuries at parks, leisure centres or other public places
  • Injuries at rental properties
  • Injuries on private properties such as shopping centres
  • Injuries at schools and universities

Proving your public liability claim will usually include showing that the owner of a property owed you a duty of care and that they failed to meet an appropriate standard of care.

Motor Vehicle Claims Time Limits

Car accidents are an unfortunate reality of driving on Brisbane’s roads. If you are injured in a car accident, you can claim a personal injury within 3 years of sustaining the injury. Due to the severity of car accidents, it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Minor injuries can worsen significantly over time, and if you miss the 3-year window to lodge your claim, you may not be able to claim any damages at all. Some types of injury also have much shorter limitations placed on them, so speak to your Revolution Lawyer as soon as possible.

What Happens if I Miss the Time Limit on a Claim?

Depending on where and how your injury occurred, you may still be able to make a claim after the nominal time limit has expired. These extensions are usually only granted in exceptional circumstances and are at the full discretion of the court. If you suffer a personal injury at work, in public, while driving your car, or at any other time, it is important you seek legal advice as soon as possible.

Do You Have a Personal Injury Claim? Revolution Law Can Help

Injuries can have a major impact, but lodging a personal injury claim can help you manage the difficulties and keep your life on track. Due to the complex nature of personal injury matters, it is important that you seek legal advice as soon as you can. Any claims you need to make will be subject to a time limit, and courts are not always able to grant extensions if the limit has expired.

Speak to Revolution Law about any work-related or personal injuries, and let our team provide the help and support you need. We will assess your case and determine whether you have a viable claim, and then walk you through the process of correctly recording and lodging your claim. Get in touch with us today and let your Revolution Lawyer help you work towards the best possible outcome for your situation.

When are you too old to drive in Australia?

2023-09-06T09:06:51+10:0020/04/2022|Civil, Uncategorized|

When Are You Too Old to Drive?

Australia is a large country, and most of us rely on our cars to get where we need to go. Having a driver’s licence is key to the independence that many of us enjoy. However, spending time behind the wheel comes with increased risks as we age. The effects of ageing can have a marked impact on your ability to drive safely, which is why each Australian state has introduced laws that govern whether elderly drivers are too old to remain on the road. This blog will address the issues encountered by ageing drivers and the obligations of elderly drivers in each Australian state.

How Ageing Affects Driving

Ageing is a natural part of life. While it can be an inconvenience to give up the independence of driving, older drivers should be mindful of whether their age affects their skill behind the wheel. Many normal changes associated with ageing can impact driving ability, including reduced vision, hearing and flexibility. Additionally, our bodies become more frail and prone to injury. These combined factors lead to the research, which shows that drivers aged 70 and up are overrepresented in road fatalities. Despite making up just 13% of the driving population, people over 70 account for 23% of all road fatalities and 13% of serious injuries. While older drivers understand their limits and are involved in fewer accidents, those crashes are usually of greater severity.

Do Medications Affect Driving?

Although simple ageing can affect driving, some medications are also known to impair driving ability and put road users at risk. Older Australians tend to take more medications because they often have more than one chronic disorder, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or arthritis. Among older adults, 90% regularly take at least 1 prescription drug, 80% take at least 2, and 36% take 5 or more medications.

In most cases, these medications allow older Australians to live longer, more comfortable lives. But, some common medications may also have an adverse effect on driving ability. Drugs that impair driving ability include:

  • Sleeping pills
  • Opioid painkillers
  • Blood pressure and nausea medicines
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Antidepressants (often used to treat bladder problems or recurring pain)

When is Too Old to Drive?

All Australian states have now introduced different controls to closely encourage older drivers to monitor their health and driving ability. Depending on where you live, the rules vary:

  • In Queensland, drivers aged 75 and over must carry a valid medical certificate that demonstrates their fitness to drive. Certificates are issued by doctors and are valid for 13 months.
  • In New South Wales, drivers aged 75 and over require an annual medical assessment. Drivers aged 85 and over must pass a practical exam every 2 years to keep an unrestricted licence.
  • In Victoria, there is no requirement for senior drivers to undergo a medical assessment. If a driver develops a medical condition, they may need a medical review to continue driving.
  • In the ACT, drivers aged 75 and over need an annual medical assessment.
  • In South Australia, drivers aged 75 and over must fill out annual self-assessment Medical Fitness to Drive forms. Drivers must consult their doctor if they answer yes to any of the questions on the form.
  • In Western Australia, drivers aged 80 and over must undergo an annual medical assessment to renew their licence. If their doctor recommends it, the driver may need to pass a practical driving exam.
  • In Tasmania and Northern Territory, there is no age limit for driving or medical fitness exams. Instead, all drivers are legally obligated to report medical conditions that affect their driving ability.

Have You Been Involved in a Car Accident? Speak to Your Local Revolution Law Team Today

Whether you are a young driver just getting started or an older Australian still enjoying Brisbane’s roads, it is essential to seek professional advice if you are involved in a car accident. If you have been in a collision on our roads, your local Revolution Law lawyer can provide the support and advice you need.

Your lawyer will review the details of the incident and ensure that it is correctly reported to authorities and insurance companies. This will help avoid unnecessary complications down the track, so you can recover, get back on the road sooner and get on with your life!

Revolution Lawyers can also help you lodge and navigate the process of making a motor vehicle claim. Feel free to get in touch with your local Revolution Lawyer at any time for a chat about your claim. Call, email, or the team can come to you.

How to Make Sure You Don’t Fall Asleep At the Wheel

2022-06-28T17:23:06+10:0002/03/2018|General, Motor Vehicle, Uncategorized|

How to Make Sure You Don’t Fall Asleep At the Wheel

In Queensland between 2004 and 2010 almost one in seven road accident fatalities were related to fatigue. Some injuries and fatalities could be avoided if drowsy drivers didn’t get behind the wheel. The key to changing these shocking statistics are taking action when you’re fatigued and developing habits that promote better sleep.

Sleep Deprivation Affects the Brain

Lack of sleep causes more than a few yawns. It changes the way the brain works. When you don’t get the rest you need, your mind tries to compensate. Neurons, the cells that send the signals to process information or move the body, slow down in an attempt to bring the brain to a sleep state. Your brain’s slowdown looks like:

  • missing exits and turns.

  • drifting out of your lane.

  • losing km’s (short-term memory loss wherein you forget the last few kilometers traveled).

  • increased aggression and mood changes.

When sleep deprived, your brain processes information at a slower rate, which affects decision-making skills and reaction times. The difference between a close call and a deadly accident may only be the matter of a few seconds. To make sensible decisions, the brain must be firing at full speed.

When It’s Time to Take Action

If you start to notice the symptoms of drowsy driving, even the early ones like slow blinking and frequent yawning, you can take action that could save a life. When driving alone, try pulling over in a safe, well-lit area to take a short nap. Short, 30-minute naps have been shown to reverse many of the effects of a bad night’s sleep. If you can’t spare that much time, 15-20 minutes might still be enough to get you home safely.

Road trips can be especially dangerous. When traveling with a partner, be sure to switch drivers every two hours. Take the time to close your eyes when you’re in the passenger seat. While you might lose a little time to fatigue, remember that you’re protecting yourself, your family, and everyone else on the road.

How to Get Better Sleep

For those who struggle with drowsy driving, try to make sleep a priority. Everything from stress to your work schedule may get in the way of getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep. But, better sleep can be yours with the right habits and conditions.

  • Create the Right Conditions: Your bedroom needs to be a sleep sanctuary. Be sure you have a comfortable mattress that supports your back and prevents any nighttime waking from aches and pains. The right pillow will also help you have a restful night. Keep your bedroom a cool 60-68 degrees at night and cut out as much sound and light as possible.

  • Eat the Right Food: Some foods actively promote better sleep. Foods rich in Vitamin B6, which is used to make melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, help your body regulate the sleep cycle. Try adding fish, chickpeas, or bananas into your diet. Calcium-rich foods also help the body release the hormones that trigger sleep. A warm glass of milk or low-fat yogurt before bed can help your eyes close faster at night.

  • Establish a Regular Bedtime Routine: Those who have trouble falling asleep often benefit from a regular bedtime routine that includes relaxing activities like a warm bath, reading a book, or a few deep breathing exercises. For the best results, perform your routine in the same order at the same time every night.

The Importance of Reporting Work Place Accidents

2022-06-28T17:26:15+10:0025/02/2018|General, Uncategorized, Workers Rights|

The Importance of Reporting Work Place Accidents

Injuries and fatalities can occur in an unsafe work environment. Work Safe Australia has played an important role since 2008 in developing national policies regarding Workplace Health and Safety and Workers Compensation. While Australia holds an excellent track record in improving the conditions of employment for workers we are still seeing high numbers of fatalities and injuries at work throughout Australia.   In 2017 there were 181 fatalities at work and this year hasn’t seen much improvement with already 16 work related deaths reported by mid-February.  All workers should be able to go to their workplace without risk or fear of being involved in an incident that will negatively impact the rest of their lives.

Incident Prevention – Report your Concerns

When you report the poor safety conduct of a business you are preventing dangerous accidents taking place.  A safe work place means that employees can work without; death, injury or illness.

Step 1. 

Try to resolve the matter by first reporting unsafe work conditions to your workplace management. You can do this verbally, but it is helpful to write a report or letter documenting your concerns for both your own and your employers record.

Step 2.

If management does not take appropriate action to rectify the reported unsafe work conditions and further communication from employers will not prove to be of benefit then the next step is to contact WorkSafe Qld on 1300 362 128.

 Unsafe Work Condition Examples

  • Fork Lift Incidents

Accidents occurring due to improper use of fork lifts including workers being run over by fork lifts due to negligent or improperly licenced fork lift drivers and accidents caused due to misloading.

  • Farming Accidents

Farm workers being poorly trained or untrained in carrying out risky jobs.  Farm workers performing jobs in dangerous weather conditions. Lack of safety equipment and sufficient supervision.

  • Knife and Blade Injuries

Workers operating machinery without safety guards. Emergency off switches not being in an easily accessible location. Workers not trained to use knives and bladed machinery.

  • Working at height Risks

Workers being expected to complete tasks at height with no scaffolding or insufficient scaffolding.  Workers not being provided with sufficient work safety gear or training.

  • Hazardous Manual Tasks

Workers being expected to repetitively lift heavy objects without being supplied with sufficient lifting equipment for bulky or heavy items. Workers not being trained to lift safely.

WorkCover Injury Process

If you have been injured at work then there are two types of claims, you can look at making.  The first claim is called Workers compensation statutory claims. This claim is where no fault on the employer needs to be established.  If you have been involved in an accident at work which could not have been prevented or was your fault, then you are still entitled to make this claim. You will be able to access benefits and compensation to assist you in your recover and/or return to work.

Should you believe your work place should be held accountable and that your injury could have been prevented then following the initial claim Workers compensation statutory claim you will be able to run a Workers Compensation Common Law Claim.  For this claim the employers fault or negligence must be established.

By seeking free and unbiased legal advice when you apply for WorkCover you will become aware of your legal rights and you will be able to ensure that your matter is properly received and attended to by WorkCover.  Our Lawyers regularly assist in general WorkCover inquires and questions. So if you have any concerns then rest assured that we will be able to provide you with obligation free advice to ensure that you can obtain the best outcome.

Compensation Lawyers Brisbane

Revolution Law will only act in your best interest. Call us today for a Free TPD Claim Assessment.

  • No Win No Fee
  • Experienced WorkCover Lawyers
  • Direct Mobile Number to your dedicated Lawyer
  • We can come to you.
  • No Uplift Fees
  • Fair Rates

We Want to See you at Light of the World

2022-06-28T17:37:04+10:0022/10/2017|Articles, General, Uncategorized|

We Want to See you at Light of the World

This year, we are looking forward to being one of the sponsors for ‘Light of the World.’ Light of the World is a fantastic community multicultural music festival which provides a safe and exciting option for anyone looking for a Halloween alternative in the city of Logan. This event is exceptionally well run by the not-for-profit group Children of Destiny, their goal is to provide parents and children with the option to celebrate without the spooky horror which can be very overwhelming for little ones.

Throughout the night there will be a variety of fantastic entertainment from local community groups. This entertainment will include but not  be limited to music, singing and dance performances. There will be food trucks, drink stalls, games and most importantly children will be able to purchase an unlimited ride pass for just $5. This event is totally affordable and fun for everyone which will mean that there will be an incredible turn out.
Revolution Law loves being a part of events like this and we are looking forward to running an easy to win and fun to play chocolate game called Lob a Chocolate. It was easy for us to choose this game because we are huge fans of anything chocolate!  100 percent of the money that we raise on the night will be given to a group that we know personally who organises Christmas gifts for widows in the tribal villages of India. In past years widows have been given chooks which they used to create micro businesses due to the egg lay, they have further been given cooking pots, clothing, heavy duty blankets and access to a social worker. All of these gifts are practical and appreciated with some 500-2000 widows every year be overwhelmed to receive such meaningful gifts at Christmas.
So, don’t forget to dress up in something exciting and bright and come on down to the Light of the World Festival on the 31st of October 2017. The event starts at 4.30 and is located at Mabel Park High on Paradise Road, Slacks Creek Logan.
Should you have recently experienced an injury at work, in a car accident or due to medical negligence our Personal Injury Lawyers will be available to give you free advice and guidance at the festival. Alternatively you can pop into our Logan Personal Injury Law office which is located at the Argonaut on Kingston Road.

Historic Brisbane Newspaper shows a very different time.

2022-06-28T17:40:08+10:0001/08/2017|Articles, General, Uncategorized|

Historic Brisbane Newspaper shows a very different time.

An eclectic collection of the Brisbane Courier Mail newspapers all dated from 1932 have some wonderful news stories and advertisements which capture this period beautifully.

One quirky article told of seven-year-old Doris riding her horse to school – as you do in 1932.  On her way, she was thrown from the horse and broke her arm. Despite such a horrific accident the little girl captured the horse and then proceeded to walk the quarter of a mile back to her home.  It astonished me that this little girl could keep her wits, put her pain aside and understand the value of capturing the horse.  Tough times like the Great Depression bred even tougher children.

‘The Law Courts’ segment of the Newspaper must of be a very popular column in the 1930’s. One article that stood out due to the stark contrast to how the matter would be handled today told the incident of a young girl named Beryl who was injured in a car accident.  The article outlines how Beryl whom was aged 5 years by her mother  was crossing the road Flinders-parade at Sandgate when she knocked down by a car driven by Mr. Keith Brown. This car accident saw Beryl sustain a fracture to her left leg and suffer severe shock. Her medical expenses had already amounted to 11 pound and she would continue to incur further medical expenses in the future.

Berly’s mother Mrs. Mount was a widow who would have had minimal support if any from the government,  and I imagine that the further scarcity of money at the time she must of feel exceptionally overwhelmed by all these medical expenses. Mrs Mount brought forward and action of 500 pound in compensation damages with allegations that the defendant had been negligent in failing to keep a proper look out and not giving proper warning of his approach.  Unfortunately the story ends here, which is highly disappointing because it would be interesting to have found out how the car accident compensation claim in the 1930’s played out. Was Mrs. Mount able to obtain a solicitor that worked on a No Win No Fee basis to state her case? Was she awarded the 500 pounds for her daughters medical expenses? What happened to Beryl?

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