About Revolution Law

Revolution Law is a team of award-winning personal injury lawyers in Brisbane, also deeply rooted in the Logan and Gold Coast communities. Specialising in compensation claims, our dedicated team is here to navigate life's unexpected turns with you, committed to achieving success together.

A Guide to WorkCover Claim in QLD

2024-07-02T20:31:12+10:0011/06/2024|Workers Rights|

If you have suffered a work injury in Queensland that has left you unable to work, you may be eligible for a WorkCover claim. A workers compensation claim can provide financial support and peace of mind as you recover from your work-related injury.At Revolution Law, we specialise in personal injury law and offer expert guidance to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve. We are a dedicated team of workers compensation lawyers in Brisbane with over 23 years of combined average experience, committed to protecting your rights and making the workers compensation claims process in Queensland as smooth as possible for you.

Workers Compensation Claim in Queensland

If you experience an injury, illness, or mental health issue because of your job in Queensland, you might qualify to file a workers compensation claim under WorkCover Queensland. This system is in place to help you get back on your feet by providing financial support and medical care during your recovery.

WorkCover covers a number of work-related injuries and situations, such as:

  • Getting hurt while doing your job 
  • Injuries that happen while travelling to or from work 
  • Incidents that occur during work-related travel 
  • Accidents at work events or activities

If your WorkCover claim is approved, you can receive weekly payments to replace lost wages and coverage for your medical expenses. This includes costs for physiotherapy, rehabilitation, doctor visits, surgeries, and any other necessary treatments.

The goal is to help you recover without the burden of financial worries, allowing you to focus on your health and return to work when you are ready.

Who is Eligible for a WorkCover Claim?

Casual workers, part-time and full-time employees, and in some cases, subcontractors and volunteers, may also be eligible for claims.

Eligibility for a worker cover claims in Queensland hinges on several factors. To qualify, an individual must be an employee who has sustained an injury or illness due to their employment.

Aspects of eligibility include:

  • Physical injuries 
  • Psychological disorders 
  • Aggravation of pre-existing conditions 
  • Diseases contracted in the course of employment 

How to Apply for a WorkCover Claim in Queensland

The process of applying for a WorkSafe claim in Queensland involves several steps:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the priority. Obtain treatment and ensure your injury is documented by a medical professional.
  2. Notify Your Employer: Inform your employer about the injury as soon as possible. This is crucial for the documentation process.
  3. Lodge a Claim with WorkSafe Queensland: Fill out the necessary work cover claim form provided by WorkSafe or download it from their website. Include all relevant medical documentation and reports.
  4. Assessment of Your Claim: WorkSafe will assess your claim, which may involve further medical examinations and workplace investigations. 
  5. Claim Outcome: You will be notified of the outcome. If approved, you will receive compensation. If not, you can seek legal advice on the next steps.  

How Much Compensation Can I Get for My Workplace Injury?

The amount of compensation you can receive for a workplace injury in Queensland varies. It depends on the severity of the injury, the impact on your earning capacity, and the costs of medical treatment and rehabilitation

WorkSafe Queensland provides a range of benefits, including weekly payments, lump-sum settlements for permanent impairment, and coverage for medical and rehabilitation expenses. 

Here’s a visual table summarising the compensation details for workplace injuries in Queensland:

Aspect of Compensation 


Weekly Compensation (Temporary Incapacity) Up to 26 weeks: 85% of NWE or the amount under the industrial instrument. Between 26 weeks and 104 weeks: 75% of NWE or 70% of QOTE. 104 weeks onwards: Depends on the degree of impairment. 
Permanent Impairment (Lump-Sum Settlements) Based on the degree of impairment as assessed by a medical practitioner and expressed as a percentage. The amount increases with the degree of impairment. 
Medical and Rehabilitation Expenses Covers hospital stays, medication, and rehabilitation costs, regardless of fault. Designed to assist in recovery and rehabilitation process. 
Application Time Limit Claims should be applied for as soon as possible after the injury or illness occurs, and within six months from the date of the injury or the onset of the illness. 

This table encapsulates the key aspects of compensation available for workplace injuries in Queensland, including the basis for weekly compensation, lump-sum settlements for permanent impairment, and coverage for medical and rehabilitation expenses, alongside the critical timeline for application submission. 

Is There a Time Limit to Making a WorkCover Claim?

Yes, there are time limits for making a WorkSafe claim in Queensland. Generally, you should apply as soon as possible after the injury occurs. However, the statutory time limit is within six months from the date of the injury or the onset of the illness. In certain circumstances, extensions can be granted, but it’s crucial to act promptly to ensure your claim is lodged within the allowable time frame. 

Some Common FAQs

What should I do if my WorkCover claim is rejected?  

Seek legal advice with Revolution Law immediately. Our lawyers can help you understand the reasons for rejection and guide you through the appeals process. 

Can I return to work while receiving WorkCover benefits?  

Yes, you can return to work in a reduced capacity or different role that accommodates your recovery, often as part of a rehabilitation plan. 

Does WorkCover cover psychological injuries?  

Yes, psychological injuries that are work-related, such as stress or anxiety, are covered under Queensland’s workers compensation laws. 

Can I choose my own doctor for WorkCover claims?  

Yes, you have the right to choose your own doctor for your WorkSafe medical assessments and treatments.

Navigating Workers Compensation Claims in QLD 

Workers compensation is a vital safety net for employees in Queensland. Understanding your rights and the claims process is essential for any worker facing injury or illness due to their job.  

If you’re navigating the complexities of a workers compensation claim in Queensland, Revolution Law can help. Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers specialises in workers compensation and will work with you directly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Our obligation-free consultation offers a starting point for those seeking justice and compensation for workplace injuries. 

With the support of Revolution Law, you can confidently pursue the benefits you are entitled to and focus on your recovery and return to work. 

What is Work Cover

2023-01-08T18:25:17+10:0006/01/2023|Injury, Uncategorized, Workers Rights|

What is Work Cover?

WorkCover Queensland is an insurance company that provides workers’ compensation insurance.

An employer pays annual premiums to cover their employees.

Are injured workers still eligible for compensation if your employer is uninsured?   

YES! If Workcover is required to pay your worker’s injury claim, and your employer is uninsured or under-insured, they can recover from your employer the amount they have paid out on the claim, plus a further penalty.

Accident insurance is compulsory if you employ workers in Queensland.

Can your employer charge you for having Workers’ Compensation Insurance? 

NO! It is an offence to charge a worker (directly or indirectly) for the cost of workers’ compensation or damages. ANY AMOUNT paid for a work injury claim can be recovered and a fee imposed.

Can your boss sack you for being injured at work? 

NO! Workers who have work-related injuries are protected by legislation. This includes protecting them from dismissal within 12 months of sustaining a workers injury.

Does your boss have to provide rehabilitation if you are injured at work? 

YES! Your employer must provide you with workplace rehabilitation in case of a claim. They should support you in getting better and back to work safely and as early as possible.

What types of Injuries are covered by WorkCover? 

  • physical injuries – cuts, lacerations, burns,
  • penetrating wounds, broken bones or fractures
  • psychological and psychiatric injuries – depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder
  • diseases – industrial deafness, Q-work related respiratory diseases, such as asbestosis, silicosis, and others
  • aggravated injury or ongoing symptoms
  • critical injuries or work-related fatalities.

I was injured on the way to work -am I still covered? 

YES – You are covered

  • At your workplace
  • Travelling between worksites
  • While working interstate and overseas.
  • Travelling between work and home (“journey claim”).

What about if the injury is a result of serious or wilful misconduct? 

The injury may be covered. The injury would need to meet specific criteria. Ask our Revolution Law team for further explanation on this matter.

What about if it was my fault? 

The statutory scheme operates on a no-fault basis, meaning a worker can claim regardless of who caused the injury.

What does WorkCover compensation cover? 

Basically, the following are covered, with various qualifications depending on individual circumstances.

  • weekly benefits for lost wages
  • medical expenses
  • rehabilitation expenses (such as physiotherapy or counselling)
  • hospital expenses
  • travelling expenses
  • lump sum compensation for permanent impairment
  • death benefits.

What about if I lose the use of or part of my body? 

If you suffer a permanent impairment— loss of efficient use of part of the body, or loss of part of the body—as a result of your work-related injury, you may be entitled to a lump sum compensation.

If I die due to a work-related injury, does WorkCover help my family? 

WorkCover may pay compensation for the death of a worker to the workers’ family (‘dependants’). Payments can include any medical costs, funeral costs, and compensation payable where family members are partially or totally dependent on the worker’s earnings. Qualifications depend on individual circumstances.

When does Workcover stop paying me? 

A worker’s entitlement to weekly compensation ends when the first of the following happens

  • You return to work and are no longer injured
  • You receive a lump-sum offer
  • You have received weekly payments for five years
  • Your total weekly compensation reaches the maximum amount payable.

When does Workcover stop paying for my treatment?

WorkCover will stop paying medical treatment, rehabilitation, hospital, travelling, and expenses when your entitlement to weekly compensation ends and the injury will no longer improve with further treatment.

I am not happy with WorkCovers compensation offer. What can I do now? 

You may choose to seek damages for their injury through a common law claim. Your policy covers you for the cost of a common law claim. You must meet certain criteria before you are entitled to seek damages and you will need to establish some liability on the employer’s part.

Common law costs (damages) can include payments for:

  • pain and suffering
  • past and future wages or economic loss
  • past and future medical costs

legal costs.

In most instances, statutory claim costs are offset against any damages to be paid. Check out this LINK to find out more information.

If you’re concerned about a worker or you had an injury, contact your local Revolution Law Team to discuss your options. For further information about WorkCover and your rights at work, we can organise a no-obligation meeting with a lawyer whenever suits you. 

Drink Driving Case Study

2022-12-14T19:27:32+10:0007/12/2022|Articles, General, Motor Vehicle|

Drink Driving Case Study

“A Brisbane woman was allegedly driving drunk when she hit and killed an elderly pedestrian who was walking on a footpath. The Sunnybank Hills woman, 48, was driving on Beenleigh Rd in Kuraby about 7.45am on Sunday when she allegedly struck the 72-year-old woman. The elderly woman died at the scene. The driver allegedly refused to undertake a roadside breath or saliva test, and also allegedly refused to give a blood sample for alcohol content testing. When she eventually did agree to testing, it is alleged she was found to be under the influence of alcohol.”-

Brisbane News November 2022


This news article is just one of many, another tragic event of someone falling victim to a driver’s choice to drink and then drive. Alcohol is a big part of many celebrations in Queensland. Sadly the consequences of people drinking and then driving result in many of

Queensland’s road fatalities and hospitalised casualties.

The cost of driving after too many drinks can be harsh. Social stigma and hardship caused by being unable to drive, court appearances, licence suspension and disqualification, heavy fines and even imprisonment.

The best way to keep you, your driver’s license and most importantly, those around you safe is to be proactive during the upcoming festive celebrations!

If you do not want to limit yourself, plan how you will party.

  • Have a designated driver
  • Choose to travel by taxi, uber or public transport.
  • Host the party at your place and have beds available for guests that are drinking alcohol.
  • Choose venues with a decent non-alcoholic drink selection for the designated driver and to give more options to anyone who needs to limit their alcohol intake for medical or other reasons. Make sure everyone gets to enjoy the party!
  • Keeping tabs on your drinkswith this or this handy app
  • Look out for your mates – don’t let drunk friends drive.

If you or your loved one suffers injuries as a victim of a drink driving accident (either as a passenger, pedestrian,  driver or cyclist), don’t hesitate to reach out to us. The CTP Insurance attached to the vehicle’s registration can fund rehabilitation,  reimburse lost wages and superannuation (also considering future lost earnings,) and fund any care,  support and adaptations you might need for your home or vehicle.   This compensation is there for you to get back on your feet.

If the vehicle is unregistered or if it is a hit-and-run, your lawyer will pursue compensation from the Nominal Defendant – the statutory office acting as the CTP insurer for uninsured or unidentified vehicles.


Do you have a Personal Injury Claim?

2022-10-31T17:15:45+10:0014/11/2022|General, Injury|

Do you have a Personal Injury Claim?

Do you have a Personal Injury Claim? 7 Questions to ask yourself

You can make a personal injury claim if you have been involved in a car accident or hurt in a workplace accident. Check out these five questions to see if you have a claim.

  1. Have you been involved in a car accident as a driver or passenger or
  2. Have you been hurt in an accident at your workplace?
  3. Have you been unable to work or changed to different duties due to the accident?
  4. Has the accident put your life on hold while your injuries improve?
  5. Have you had to change your lifestyle due to the accident?
  6. Did the accident happen in Queensland?
  7. Did the accident happen in the last three years?

personal injury claim is a submission made to an insurance company. It allows you some breathing space to get your life back on track. Unfortunately, sometimes Personal injuries or accidents can delay our life goals. Revolution Lawyers have seen this happen countless times. 

It’s our goal to ensure you and your family can get back to what is most important without any more interruptions! 

If someone else has been carelessly negligent, causing you a personal injury, you may have a right to financial compensation to help get you back on your feet.

This insurance is designed to provide financial compensation to ensure that your life goals aren’t on pause due to someone else’s carelessness.

The compensation can reimburse lost wages, superannuation, pay for past and future treatments, medications, physiotherapy, and even medical expenses.

Simply put, it can cover the financial cost of the changes in your life from the accident.

If you need clarification on any of the above, contact your local Revolution Lawyer. Revolution Law specialises in Motor Vehicle Claims, Worker’s Compensation, and TPD Claims. We are proud to have a supportive client history with 5-star reviews on Google.

If you need help, we offer free compensation and are eager to set you up to win and get your life back on track!

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do? 

2022-10-31T17:08:22+10:0007/11/2022|General, Motor Vehicle|

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do? 

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do? 

Recently I attended a ‘Compulsory Conference’ for one of our clients, the final meeting for our client and the insurer.

It comes at a time when the client’s injuries have stabilised, and they are at the point of knowing what their life will look like moving forward.

In Ben’s* case, there had been a terrible accident, and his life had changed considerably in a horrific few seconds. On the morning of Ben’s accident, while driving to work, he was unsuspecting that all his dreams and future plans would come tumbling down instantly.

His family reached out to us, knowing that we specialise in Personal Injury Claims. One of the Car Accident / Personal Injury Lawyers immediately started the claim process for compensation.

Our Personal Injury Lawyer reflected on Ben’s life, with the day of the crash as the central point of investigation.

We documented;

  • his physical injuries and recovery
  • the loss of his job
  • the impact on his ability to find and retain any future long-term employment
  • Ben’s previous skills and the new problems he now faced with family responsibilities, recreational activities, travel, and his ability to cope with increased pain, stress and anxiety.
  • The cost of surgeries, treatments, medications and the physical & psychological impact of the accident were all weighed and quantified.

Next was the Compulsory Conference, where our car accident lawyers fought for the best opportunities for Ben’s future health and livelihood.

It’s a big job when you realise it created over 40 physical files of documents, almost 3000 pages in just the most recent brief, numerous medical reports and records, numerous meetings and much more work behind the scenes. But nevertheless, it was a great outcome for Ben; he can take care of himself and look to new dreams.

There was a moment of silence when the conference ended. Then, finally, our Personal Injury lawyer leaned over to shake Ben’s hand. “This is why I became a Personal Injury Lawyer – to see justice done.”

If Ben had his choice, this accident would never have happened. But life does throw curve balls at us, and when it does, the Revolution Car Accident lawyers are there to work on your behalf and fight for your rights.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have been involved in a car accident and wish to learn more. No matter how small or large, everyone should know what opportunities they have to change their future. We specialise in this field of law and are passionate about our client’s futures.

(* to maintain our client’s privacy, we have changed the name)

Average Payout For Car Accidents

2022-10-31T17:00:13+10:0031/10/2022|Featured, Motor Vehicle|

Average Payout For Car Accidents

How do accident lawyers provide a payout estimate?

Any initial estimate a Lawyer will give you is guesswork, yes, guesswork can be pretty good depending on the experience of your Lawyer, but it is not Legal advice. Your final compensation outcome is based on your situation, and the evidence obtained to support your claim. There is no ‘average payout’ for injuries such as whiplash or pain and suffering after a car accident. In the case listed below of Mr Busch, who self-represented for over seven years, he attempted to claim injury damages for over $2000,000.00, and after all of this time and work he put in, the judge only awarded him $5000.00. The court documents referred to the lack of evidence to support his compensation claim. This result must have been incredibly disappointing for Mr Busch. The evidence is a critical part of the process and the compensation outcome, which is why Lawyers collect and analyse it over many months. Once you have recovered as best as you can from your injuries, the Barista and Your Lawyer use this evidence and draft a confidential quantum of advice. This advice is given to you before your mediation, and it provides you a compensation range that we predict your claim to settle within.

We would love to meet with you and have one of our very experienced lawyers explain how we can help you obtain the proper evidence in the right manner to achieve the best possible outcome for you. 

Your initial chat with a Lawyer is free, and there is no obligation to proceed. We can just advise you if you have a claim, answer any questions and let you know how we can help.

07 3341 6999   or reach out to Wendy via  wendy@revolutionlaw.com.au

Examples Of Car Accident Injury Pay Outs

These are examples of compensation payouts in matters that recently went to court. It is very uncommon for car accident personal injury claims to end up in court. When they do, the information is publicly available in what is otherwise a strictly confidential outcome.

Murphy v Turner-Jones [2022] QSC 40 –  Awarded $200,776.07 plus costs

Mr Murphey, aged 50, claimed serious injuries, including whiplash and polytrauma at each level of his spine and pelvis. The defendant claimed he suffered only a mild strain on the spine.

The judge accepted the defendant’s case that the motor vehicle accident was at low speed and had a minor impact with minimal damage to both vehicles.

The judge further determined that although the impact was minor, it did not conclude that Mr Murphy has not suffered from a high level of neck or spinal injury symptoms.

Injury Compensation Outcome

Pain and suffering

Item 88 ISV 10

Past loss of economic capacity $59,675.00
Future economic loss $107,786.00
Medical expenses $8,257.07
Interest on medical expenses

$4,467.37 x 1.48% for 4.5 years ÷ 2

Future medical expenses $8,760.00
TOTAL $200,776.07

O’Connor v Wright [2021] QDC 173–  Awarded  $30,880.00

In January 2018, Ms. O’Connor, then 19, was driving her motor vehicle north on the Bruce Highway. Ms O’Connor slowed her vehicle to nearly a stop before being rear-ended by a car travelling at about 70km per hour. Ms O’Conner sustained a soft tissue injury to her cervical and thoracolumbar spine, aggravating pre-existing thoracolumbar scoliosis.

Injury Compensation Outcome 

Head of Damage Amount Claimed
General Damages $ 11,880.00
Past Special Damages (including interest to date) $ 1,000.00
Future expenses $ 500.00
Future economic loss $ 17,500.00
TOTAL $ 30,880.00


Ketchell v RACQ insurance Limited [2021] QDC 307– Awarded  $479,884.70.

Mr Ketchell, the plaintiff, was outside the front of the Royal Hotel in Ingham on April 2014 when a driver lost control of his motor vehicle. The car left the roadway, became airborne and struck Mr. Ketchell on his ankle, causing him to spin around onto his back. Mr Ketchell experienced immediate pain in his thoracic spine.

The judgment for  Mr Ketchell was the sum of $479,884.70.

McKay v Armstrong [2020] QDC 127– Awarded $77,473.73

On Valentine’s Day, 2014, Ms McKay obtained injuries when a driver lost control of his vehicle and collided with her vehicle. Ms McKay suffered a predominant injury to her shoulder region with painful symptoms radiating up her neck, with a secondary psychiatric injury of adjustment disorder with anxious and depressed mood minorly attributable to the accident

Injury Compensation Outcome

General damages $6,800.00
Past Economic Loss $5,000.00
Interest $13.73
Past Superannuation Loss $465.00
Future Economic Loss $50,000.00
Future Superannuation Loss $5,665.00
Past Special Damages & interest $3,000.00
Future Special Damages $5,000.00
Future care and assistance $1,530.00
Total $77,473.73

Hariharan v Vojtisek & Anor [2020] QDC 276 – Awarded $269,840.64  

Mr Hariharan suffered personal injuries from a motor vehicle accident that occurred in early 2017. Mr Hariharan was “T-boned” when the other car driver disobeyed a red light.

As a result of the accident, Mr Hariharan suffered a generalised musculoligamentous and soft tissue injury to the cervical spine and aggravation of mild pre-existing degenerative changes to the cervical spine.

The defendant pleaded that the accident caused a minor and temporary soft tissue injury which has long since resolved and therefore Mr. Hariharan suffered little loss.

Injury Compensation Outcome

General Damages $10,620
Past Economic Loss $82,450
Interest Thereon $593.64
Past Superannuation $7,263
Future Economic Loss $152,373
Future Superannuation $13,541
Past Special Damages $1,000
Future Special Damages $2,000
Total $269,840.64

Busch v Parker & Anor [2022] QSC 211 Awarded $5000

In 2014 Mr Busch, age 48, was involved in a car accident. The insurer accepted liability for the accident. Mr Busch represented himself in his personal injury claim; this claim went to trial in 2022 when Mr Busch was 56. Mr Busch presented his personal assessment of damages with an appeal for $2,045,753.15. The defendant took issue were the nature and extent of the spinal injury and the resulting economic loss. Unfortunately, due to the lack of documented evidence provided by Mr Busch, his claims were ill-supported, and the judge only awarded him $5000.00.

Mr Busch Personal Assessment of Damages – Not Awarded 

Total Medical Expenses $4,005.15
Total Pharmaceutical expenses $2,420.00
The claim amount for past economic loss $154,117.00
Claim for future economic loss $1,655,220.00
Damages for personal injury and loss of the amenities of life $25,000.00
Interest on past economic loss (Unquantified)
Loss of superannuation $204,991.00
Total claim amount $2,045,753.15

Allen v O’Donnell & Anor [2021] QSC 63 – Awarded $2, 499, 399.69

In January 2015, 49-year-old Mr Allen from Townsville was travelling to Brisbane with his three children in their Kia Carnival. Unfortunately, as they were driving, a Nissan Patrol veered onto the wrong side of the road and caused a high-speed head-on collision with Mr. Allen’s car.

This car accident was catastrophic and life changing as Mr Allen sustained extensive injuries, including fractures, tears to both ACLS, facial injuries, injuries to the teeth and gums, sight impairment, hearing impairment, PTSD,  spinal injuries, traumatic brain injury and soft tissue injuries.

Injury Compensation Outcome

General damages $109, 640.00
Past economic loss $515, 957.20
Interest on past economic loss $17, 245.69
Past loss of superannuation $57, 025.39
Future economic loss $959,040.00
Future loss of superannuation $108, 659.23
Alternative accommodation $45, 682.00
Interest on alternative accommodation $330.18
Future rental expenses $18,200.00
Future home modifications $10,000.00
Future medical expenses $77,014.00
Future surgery $53, 100.00
Future medications $43,000.00
Future aids $60,000.00
Special Damages $55,000.00
Interest $900.00
Past care $143,052.00
Future Care $225, 554.00
TOTAL $2, 499, 399.69

If you have been in a car accident and you would like further information on what your rights are, our Lawyers are incredibly experienced and happy to answer any questions and provide you simple straight forward advice that is relevant to you.

What is a Schedule of Damages, and Do I need one?

2022-10-31T16:49:28+10:0031/10/2022|General, Injury|

What is a Schedule of Damages, and Do I need one?

Recently the Legally Kids Team created an absolute blockbuster of a movie about Schedule of Damages. Check it out and hit follow and subscribe on our social media for more great content. Read on if you’d like to learn more about a Schedule of Damages.

You may be asking, what is the Schedule of Damages? And how does it relate to a Personal Injury Claim?

compensation claim starts when you have suffered an injury from an accident due to negligence from another party and suffered a resulting loss.

As the claim progresses, the lawyer will ask questions and discuss with you how the accident and resulting injury has impacted your lifestyle and ability to work and play.

Your Revolution Lawyer will take into account many factors, such as;

– pre-accident hobbies & sports

– any monetary loss incurred

– your employment

– earnings

– what your future may have looked like without the injury.

We listen to your story and document it all with precision and sensitivity.

It takes time and resources to gather all the evidence required to establish the claim. Still, our team highly specialises with years of experience understanding Personal Injury Claims requirements.

When your injuries have stabilised, your lawyer will present the collected evidence outlining the loss you have suffered. Skilled lawyers quantify that loss into a financial document which is known as the ‘Schedule of Damages’

It will detail:

  • General Damages. Loss which came about as a result of pain, disability or disfigurement. They are the damages that are not capable of precise calculation. It is compensation for the loss of your quality of life.
  • Pecuniary Loss. This is the total out-of-pocket expenses you have paid out. It might include medical and rehabilitation costs, medications, and the cost of care and support services you have needed for yourself and your home in your journey towards health after the injuries.
  • Income Loss This is the economic loss you have had since the injury to the date of settlement and potentially any economic loss into the future. It will also include superannuation.

Out simply, the Schedule of Damages is all your losses calculated and measured in dollars. This, with the documented proof, is used as part of your compensation claim to obtain compensation for the injury.

Compensation is meant to put you in the position you should have been in if you had not been injured. 

If you have suffered an accident on the roads or an injury at work don’t hesitate to call us. We will organise a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our lawyers. Contact us at info@revolutionlaw.com.au or phone 07 3416 4999. And don’t be alarmed – our Legally Kids ‘Malicat’ will not be preparing your Schedule of Damages!

Safe Driving With Children

2022-10-27T17:07:28+10:0020/10/2022|Articles, General, Motor Vehicle|

Safe driving with kids

Ryan and I love to go all in, and yes, we avoid casinos. This attitude toward life led to the start and continued passion for Revolution Law. This all-in attitude toward growing our firm translated into our personal lives, and we quickly (like super duper quickly) found ourselves with three young children.

Ryan has been in Personal Injury for longer than we have been married. A massive part of his job is helping clients obtain compensation after a car accident. He is hypervigilant that car accidents happen anywhere at any time. Naturally, this makes us feel pretty strongly about our children travelling safely. We confirm our credentials on this topic through the following reasons;

  • Have suffered through ENDLESS backseat bickering
  • Extensive knowledge of the abbess between seat and console (and its ability to swallow not only our phones but also hairclips, socks and lollipop sticks)
  • Our cars have wrappers, and rice crackers smooshed into every crevice
  • We understand the embarrassment of giving someone a lift at the last minute when the car is in all its glory.

Child Seats 

All car seats you purchase in Australia must meet an Australian standard. However, this standard is just the minimum. Government agencies and motorist organisations run the Child Restraint Evaluation Program (CREP) with the common goal of children travelling safely in vehicles. CREP conducts testing and provides information to help you compare and choose the best car seat for your child. It is overwhelming when you’re faced with the choice of fifty car seats at the baby shop. Click this independent website to help narrow down your choice of picking the safest seat.

Child Seat Installation

Don’t get it installed! Learn how to install a car seat correctly yourself! Why? Because you will do this a lot, even if just for the mere task of vacuuming up all the biscuit crumbs. It is worth investing in an easy-to-install seat. 

You can check out the website Kidsafe Queensland; they provide information on where you can book a car seat installation. During this installation, you will also learn how to do it correctly yourself.  


Using the Car Seats Correctly

The Child Car Seat Safety website has videos showing how to fasten children into correctly rear-facing or front-facing, convertible and booster seats. Check out this link


Not only do I want my kids fastened into their seats correctly, but I also want them to travel safely. I also want them to make good choices, which means I have to teach them what this looks like and set firm boundaries regarding seatbelt safety. I think most parents can relate to the stress of their children unbuckling themselves and the frustration of repeatedly removing their arm belts. It’s lucky they’re cute! 


Sizing Up & Exiting Booster Seats

There has always been a strong association of age determining which car seat is correct and whether or not they need it. However, what is more, important than age is the child’s height. Fortunately, car seats have height marking that we can use to determine if our children are the correct size for their seats. If you decide to rent a car with a baby seat for your next holiday, check that they fit the height guidelines BEFORE leaving! 




Adult seat belts are designed for a minimum height of 145cm. So while the general guide is seven years old for moving your child out of a booster seat, they may still not be tall enough to sit safely in a standard car seat. My daughter didn’t get out of her booster until she was 7 1/2. I used the Britax 5 Step Safety Test to help me determine if she could travel safely without the booster. 


Preparing for each car trip

My kids are pretty good travellers that eventually got into the groove that works for us as a family. Things we do include;

  • Providing one of my car-sick-prone kids with travel medication for long or windy car trips. I’m not keen on unwanted vomit on a busy stretch of road.  
  • My kids ready themselves before I start the car. They need to organise everything they want to access, so it is on hand and within reach! I used to do this for them when they were little. Now, if they want something that cannot be accessed safely, it’s too bad, so sad. 
  • We don’t use technology on any car trip that is less than an hour. To avoid fighting, we chat, listen to kid-friendly music and occasionally a children’s podcast. Sometimes they just fight, because they’re kids!


I only have a few more years left of car seats, and I can confirm that I won’t miss them. However, I am grateful for the safety they have provided my kids and the relative protection they have delivered my seats from Poonarmi’s and yoghurt-spills. Ultimately, you never know when a car accident will occur; too often, it will be out of your control. What is in our control is ensuring that our kids are travelling safely. 

TPD and You – Revolution Law


TPD and You

Even with stars in our eyes and dreams in the air, circumstances beyond our control can twist our lives around where clouds can hide the stars, and the dreams merge into nightmares.

In my experience, hard times create resilience and character, but we all still have options, open-doors and, in most cases, protection.

We are protected by insurance policies, which usually come under our Superannuation Policies. These insurances can be:

  • added automatically;
  • added deliberately;
  • downsized;
  • upsized;
  • or even removed.

Depending on your Superannuation Fund’s policy, these outcomes will have terms and conditions attached to them. Your age, pre-existing health, and contributions can alter or affect them. If you have more than one policy, you may be able to claim under each individual policy. For example, there may be waiting periods, limits on the cover, and the policy may only cover “your occupation” or “any occupation”.

It’s wise to regularly review your superannuation and insurance to ensure they will cover your changing needs.

What are these Insurances in my Superannuation Policy? 

Those insurances can include:

Death Cover (aka Life Cover). This insurance pays out a lump sum or long-term income stream to your beneficiaries when you die or if you have a terminal illness. Usually, this ends at age 70.

Income Protection Insurance This insurance gives you a continued regular income for a specified period if you cannot work due to illness or a temporary disability.


TPD Insurance Total Permanent Disability Insurance is the safeguard if you become injured or permanently disabled due to an accident or illness and cannot work in any capacity in any occupation based on your previous education, skills, training or experience. TPD pays out a benefit either as a lump sum or over a number of years, depending on your insurer.

This provides you with the best medical and rehabilitation treatments and also gives you and your family financial security so you can go on making the most of your life.

If, because of an injury or a severe illness you;

  • Have stopped work for at least six months (depending on your policy);
  • No longer have the capacity to work in any of your previous occupations or in a position in which you are suited (due to your education, training and experience); and
  • Are unlikely to work again.

Then you may be eligible for compensation to help cover the costs of medical expenses, rehabilitation and the cost of living.

If you or someone you care about has stopped work due to an injury or illness, contact your local Revolution Lawyer for a free, no-obligation chat. Your lawyer will review your case thoroughly and discuss the following steps to move forward and get on with your life’s ambitions. Often, a conversation is all you need to get your life back on track!

I’ve been in a car accident – what should I do?


I’ve been in a car accident – what should I do?

I was in a vehicle accident in Daisy Hill, Logan. I thought I was fine – we were not at fault and our   insurance would cover the cost. Adrenaline was pumping as we dealt with the details. Ambulance, a fire truck and the police had all attended with sirens blaring and lights flashing. The ambos were considerate and questioning, but I told them I was okay. I was more concerned about the wreckage than myself.

The next day things changed. Enormous bruises started to discolour my legs. My shoulder started aching, and my neck area was tender. Flashbacks of the accident came with memories of the noise and fear. The next day as I was driving and I heard a  thump and promptly dissolved into tears that came from nowhere, and I  pulled over to the side of the road and wept. I had always considered myself stoic and now felt foolish for the emotional wreck I had become.

There are so many mixed emotions after an accident – from the big feelings, the meaning and fragility of life to the petty emotions – annoyance and embarrassment that it happened and frustration of losing valuable time to deal with the consequences.

Covid times had made access to Doctors limited, so a phone consultation provided the expected advice (over-the-counter pain medications and recommendation to visit the local hospital if symptoms worsen) and I continued on.

As the enormous bruises eventually started fading away the shoulder pain worsened. Sleeping on the uninjured side became the norm and I began using my “good” arm most of the time. I have bee hives and removing the honey-loaded frames up and out of the boxes produced agonizing pain. My employment was very physically active, and achieving goals became harder. I started on light duties, and my teammate had to take over more of my workload. I eventually started having a week off every month to recuperate.

Although I had been told to talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer, I brushed the advice aside. “It’s only a shoulder injury, and I will get better soon”, but I didn’t improve.

Months later, I returned to the Doctor and asked for help. Physio and exercises became part of my weekly routine and the Doctor recommended I  find a Personal Injury Lawyer. The cost of Physiotherapy became the incentive, and  I started the Personal Injury Claim Journey. It was a straightforward procedure to sign up. The insurance company promptly began paying for the physiotherapy and reimbursed me for the invoices I had already paid. I ended up changing jobs to one better suited to the more limited capabilities of my shoulder.

About a year after the claim began the injury had settled into what was considered a stable place, and I was given a compensation amount.

Even today – a few years later, my shoulder still causes occasional pain, but thanks to the Compensation offered my expenditure on treatments, pain medications,  massages,  loss of work and superannuation, and ongoing physiotherapy is all covered. Compensation is not a road to easy riches, but it does take away the pain of financial loss an accident can cause, and that was a blessing I remain very grateful for.

Here are the things that I found out in my journey –

  • Even if the other at-fault driver is uninsured or unlicensed CTP insurance will still cover your personal (physical and emotional) injuries.
  • You are covered by CTP Insurance if you are a passenger or a pedestrian.
  • Police – Call 000 if someone is trapped or injured, or if a police presence is required to direct traffic or deal with hazards like spilt fuel or downed power lines, or if any drivers appear affected by drugs or alcohol or anyone involved refuses to exchange details. Otherwise you can report the accident within 24 hours to Policelink ph  131444 and you will be provided with a report number which will assist with any insurance claims.
  • After an accident, be aware it takes time for the adrenalin to wear off and injuries to become apparent especially soft tissue and whiplash injuries if your head has been unexpectedly shaken back and forth on impact.
  • Get information at the accident scene. Personally, I found this was hard. I was in no mood to gather information, but it was essential. Suggested are the other driver’s details, including address, Rego number and owner details of the other car, witnesses details, photos of the location, vehicles and damage. This information makes claiming insurance for property damage or personal injury much easier later.
  • Contact your own insurance company and follow their process. (Many insurance companies have an App to lodge a claim)
  • Most importantly – don’t forget to take care of yourself. There is only one of you!
  • Drink lots of water. Hydrating your body will help your muscles and soft tissue heal more quickly.
  • Try massage to relieve pain. Don’t forget to let the therapist know about the accident so they can work with your body to encourage muscle recovery.
  • Get enough rest. Give your body a chance to heal. Take time off work if required.
  • See a Doctor if you are concerned. It usually takes 24 hours for whiplash, bruising and other soft tissue injuries to become evident. The Doctor also will tie any accident injury with future medical bills if you need to make a personal injury claim.
  • Physiotherapy – Talk to a physiotherapist. I have found Champion Health  fantastic. The physiotherapist listens to your concerns and works out an action plan for exercise and stretching.   If you have a Personal Injury Claim in place, ask your Doctor for a referral to a Physiotherapist and leave this for the insurance to pay for.

Don’t be like me and be tardy with starting a recovery program, hoping your body will heal! I slowed my recovery by thinking my body would “just get better.”  I regret wasting time and not starting the Personal Injury Claim and  Physiotherapy Program much earlier. If you need help – help is available. Compensation from CTP Insurance will enable the treatment and time to allow you to get back on track. Have a chat with one of the friendly lawyers at Revolution Law for a no-obligation,  free consultation.

I’ve been in a car accident – what should I do?

I was in a vehicle accident in Daisy Hill, Logan. I thought I was fine – we were not at fault and our   insurance would cover the cost. Adrenaline was pumping as we dealt with the details. Ambulance, a fire truck and the police had all attended with sirens blaring and lights flashing. The ambos were considerate and questioning, but I told them I was okay. I was more concerned about the wreckage than myself.

The next day things changed. Enormous bruises started to discolour my legs. My shoulder started aching, and my neck area was tender. Flashbacks of the accident came with memories of the noise and fear. The next day as I was driving and I heard a  thump and promptly dissolved into tears that came from nowhere, and I  pulled over to the side of the road and wept. I had always considered myself stoic and now felt foolish for the emotional wreck I had become.

There are so many mixed emotions after an accident – from the big feelings, the meaning and fragility of life to the petty emotions – annoyance and embarrassment that it happened and frustration of losing valuable time to deal with the consequences.

Covid times had made access to Doctors limited, so a phone consultation provided the expected advice (over-the-counter pain medications and recommendation to visit the local hospital if symptoms worsen) and I continued on.

As the enormous bruises eventually started fading away the shoulder pain worsened. Sleeping on the uninjured side became the norm and I began using my “good” arm most of the time. I have bee hives and removing the honey-loaded frames up and out of the boxes produced agonizing pain. My employment was very physically active, and achieving goals became harder. I started on light duties, and my teammate had to take over more of my workload. I eventually started having a week off every month to recuperate.

Although I had been told to talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer, I brushed the advice aside. “It’s only a shoulder injury, and I will get better soon”, but I didn’t improve.

Months later, I returned to the Doctor and asked for help. Physio and exercises became part of my weekly routine and the Doctor recommended I  find a Personal Injury Lawyer. The cost of Physiotherapy became the incentive, and  I started the Personal Injury Claim Journey. It was a straightforward procedure to sign up. The insurance company promptly began paying for the physiotherapy and reimbursed me for the invoices I had already paid. I ended up changing jobs to one better suited to the more limited capabilities of my shoulder.

About a year after the claim began the injury had settled into what was considered a stable place, and I was given a compensation amount.

Even today – a few years later, my shoulder still causes occasional pain, but thanks to the Compensation offered my expenditure on treatments, pain medications,  massages,  loss of work and superannuation, and ongoing physiotherapy is all covered. Compensation is not a road to easy riches, but it does take away the pain of financial loss an accident can cause, and that was a blessing I remain very grateful for.

Here are the things that I found out in my journey –

  • Even if the other at-fault driver is uninsured or unlicensed CTP insurance will still cover your personal (physical and emotional) injuries.
  • You are covered by CTP Insurance if you are a passenger or a pedestrian.
  • Police – Call 000 if someone is trapped or injured, or if a police presence is required to direct traffic or deal with hazards like spilt fuel or downed power lines, or if any drivers appear affected by drugs or alcohol or anyone involved refuses to exchange details. Otherwise you can report the accident within 24 hours to Policelink ph  131444 and you will be provided with a report number which will assist with any insurance claims. Link https://www.police.qld.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-11/What%20to%20do%20in%20a%20crash.pdf  or alternate link https://www.police.qld.gov.au/initiatives/road-safety/traffic-crash-faqs
  • After an accident, be aware it takes time for the adrenalin to wear off and injuries to become apparent especially soft tissue and whiplash injuries if your head has been unexpectedly shaken back and forth on impact.
  • Get information at the accident scene. Personally, I found this was hard. I was in no mood to gather information, but it was essential. Suggested are the other driver’s details, including address, Rego number and owner details of the other car, witnesses details, photos of the location, vehicles and damage. This information makes claiming insurance for property damage or personal injury much easier later.
  • Contact your own insurance company and follow their process. (Many insurance companies have an App to lodge a claim)
  • Most importantly – don’t forget to take care of yourself. There is only one of you!
  • Drink lots of water. Hydrating your body will help your muscles and soft tissue heal more quickly.
  • Try massage to relieve pain. Don’t forget to let the therapist know about the accident so they can work with your body to encourage muscle recovery.
  • Get enough rest. Give your body a chance to heal. Take time off work if required.
  • See a Doctor if you are concerned. It usually takes 24 hours for whiplash, bruising and other soft tissue injuries to become evident. The Doctor also will tie any accident injury with future medical bills if you need to make a personal injury claim.
  • Physiotherapy – Talk to a physiotherapist. I have found Champion Health (LINK https://www.champhealth.com.au/  )  fantastic. The physiotherapist listens to your concerns and works out an action plan for exercise and stretching.   If you have a Personal Injury Claim in place, ask your Doctor for a referral to a Physiotherapist and leave this for the insurance to pay for.

Don’t be like me and be tardy with starting a recovery program, hoping your body will heal! I slowed my recovery by thinking my body would “just get better.”  I regret wasting time and not starting the Personal Injury Claim and  Physiotherapy Program much earlier.
If you need help – help is available. Compensation from CTP Insurance will enable the treatment and time to allow you to get back on track. Have a chat with one of the friendly lawyers at Revolution Law (Link to https://revolutionlaw.com.au/meet-the-team/) for a no-obligation,  free consultation.

Truck Accident Claim Example

2022-08-12T20:38:37+10:0028/06/2022|Injury, Motor Vehicle|

Truck Accident Claim Example

Here is a truck accident claim example one of our clients wrote for us. It explains the journey through their accident and how Revolution Law helped them through the after effects of the accident itself, from injury to compensation.

It was an early weekday morning in May in the suburbs of Logan. The weather was cool and the sky a crisp blue.   I was a passenger in a truck and we were working, going from customer to customer exchanging garden bags. The workload was lighter than usual, and we were making good progress. The roads were quiet due to Covid.

We finished the service at a favourite customer's home -  he always came out for a laugh and a quick chat- before we climbed back into the truck and started driving towards the next client's house only a few kilometres away.

We were doing less than 20 km/ hour slowly rounding a corner when we heard a frighteningly loud bang like an explosion. Immediately the truck veered and nosedived to the right-hand side, the wheels lifted off the road on the passenger side. The truck mounted the gutter and hit a small tree before bouncing back on all wheels and then, in seemingly slow motion tipped over and came to rest on the passenger side of the truck.

It all happened so quickly and yet so slowly, and I have relived those seconds many times in my mind. The cab's contents, invoice books, run sheets, brochures, pens, tools, ropes, a plastic basket and water bottles flying like meteors around the cabin space. The noise of the initial bang, the skidding and the thumps of the truck hitting the gutter, the tree cracking, the sound of our heavy truck twisting and falling to its side and landing with a crash. Glass breaking with an explosion and shattering. Then the stark silence before the local neighbourhood people poured out of their homes in concern. The sounds of sirens, police, ambulance and fire engines all making their way to us -to our accident.

I remember watching my business partner with both hands gripping the steering wheel in a desperate attempt to regain control. Later we find out that the steering wheel is useless if the wheels are not in contact with the road. He told me the next day that all he heard was my screaming.

I am belted in and remain in an odd slumped position despite the truck being on its side, my business partner is dangling out of his belt as gravity forces him towards me. I have shattered glass on the ground outside my window.

He climbs out of the cabin through his window, and I remain inside to find and gather the work phone and run sheets. I don't know why -it just seemed important at the time. People are looking at me through the front windscreen like I am a goldfish in a bowl. I clamber up inside the cabin using the steering wheel to get out of the window, someone has bought a ladder out so I can get down. I am in shock – horrified at the damage to the truck, confused about why it happened, and deeply concerned about our customer base and how we will work because work earns the money that pays my wages.

The truck looks exposed and crippled as it lies on its side, wheels in the air, oils leaking from somewhere in the engine. Broken glass and six cubic m of green waste are scattered over the road and footpath.

People bring out a towel for me to sit on and water to drink. But adrenalin has flooded my body, and I am unable to focus. The Ambo's are questioning me, asking if I am okay, and I brush them off, telling them I am fine. I am taking photos and videos, trying to piece together what had happened to cause such a devasting outcome.

Hours pass, and we have organised a  bobcat to clean up the road. A massive tow truck comes to right our truck onto its wheels and move it to a holding yard. It is written off.

The emergency vehicles leave one by one and  I retrieve what is needed from the truck and road, the glass is swept up and the neighbours thanked. My daughter has come and she takes me back to my home and stays to chat for a while.

Over the next few days, my shoulder is oddly sore and I find huge purple bruises on the backs of my calves. With all the external dramas of contacting customers and making arrangements for our workload  I don't take much notice of the injuries expecting them to dimmish with time. Covid has changed my local Doctor's policies, and I eventually had a phone consultation, but she tells me to take painkillers and go to Casualty if required.

I am already taking Panadol and favouring my shoulder so it seems pointless to sit in a hospital waiting room, especially as Covid continues. I am stoic, strong and believe my body will repair itself. I have regular massages and purchase various creams that promise pain relief.

Weeks pass and life goes on. The compulsory time off physical labour finishes as soon as we reconfigure a new garden bag  truck. My shoulder, which had been tender, now starts causing me more pain with the additional exercise. As time passes I begin seeing a bigger impact on more areas of my life. I have a few bee hives and struggle to lift up the heavy honey loaded frames. I visit my son in FNQ and noticed shoulder weakness when swimming in the beautiful waterfall rock pools.

I finally went to a doctor and asked for advice, and she suggested physiotherapy and making a personal injury claim.

I choose Revolution Law for a few reasons but especially as they specialise in MVA's (motor vehicle accidents) Lawyer Lisa explains everything, answers my questions, and it's quite simple to sign up.

The insurance company immediately start covering the physiotherapist's costs.

Over time Lisa gathers the evidence of the impact of the accident on my life. She gets the police report,  my Doctor's records, tax documents, physiotherapy records and from all these and more she quantifies the cost to me,  financially, emotionally and physically. She checks in on me occasionally to see how I am coping. It takes some months as it's not until the injury has settled that can we see the impact on my life going forward.

After some months the injury seemingly stabilised and I was asked to visit two Medical Specialists for IME reports (Independent Medical Examination) – one organised by Revolution Law and the other by the insurer. The appointments seemed to be a daunting prospect but they were easy – all they were looking for was the truth. Both Specialists asked questions and requested me to move my arm and shoulder in various ways.

The end was in sight and the time came for the 'Compulsory Conference'. This is a meeting between my lawyer and the insurance company. We sit at a  table together, my barrister formally explaining why I deserved to be compensated and the insurer impersonally stating why I should not be compensated. In my case, the insurer asked some questions of me – easily answered and I got a chance to thank them for paying for the Physiotherapy sessions. After some too-ing and fro-ing between Lisa, the Barrister and the insurance representative they came to a conclusion and a sum of money agreed on. At all times I was included in the discussions.

This money comes from the Compulsory Third Party insurance we all pay with our vehicle registrations. This money is set aside so if someone is injured it will fund the cost to return them to the position they would be in if the accident did not happen.

If you have been in an accident as a passenger or a driver and have had injuries that impact your working and daily life – don't be afraid to reach out and seek help. It will stop you being in an ongoing world of pain. Having a lawyer to stand between you and the insurance company not only speeds up the process but takes away the pressure of dealing with a considerable amount of back ground work and lets you get on with healing your body and mind.

Personal Injury Claims: Expectations vs Reality Ticking the Right Boxes


Personal Injury Claims: Expectations vs Reality

True Story. It was bucketing rain with flooding everywhere, saturating the ground and overflowing the rivers. A phone call comes into our office. A young person has just purchased takeaway food at a local Multinational Fast Food Outlet. She walked outside, slipped on the wet path, and fell, hurting her wrist. She rang us hoping for a significant compensation payout.

We asked the questions to tick the boxes:

  1. Have you been to the doctor or hospital?
  2. Are you employed, and will this injury stop you from working?
  3. Will this injury impact your life long-term?
  4. Was there anything that this place could have done to prevent your accident?
  5. The accident has happened anywhere in Queensland.

In this particular personal injury claim she had not seen a doctor (and did not intend to). She was unemployed, so the sore wrist would not impact income earnings. And with the heavy rain falling over the suburb, causing wet surfaces everywhere, there was nothing the Fast Food Giant could have done to prevent the fall.

To make any personal injury claims

  • There must be an insurer of the premises or facility you had the accident at.
  • There needs to be fault by the owners or occupiers of the premises. They should have / could have done something reasonable or within their duties to prevent your accident.
  • The injury has caused loss to you. It might be a loss of wages, employment or lifestyle.

We are not the lawyer for you if you want to scam an insurance company.

But we know accidents happen, and if they do, we can step in and advocate for you whilst you return to the best version of yourself. Some injuries cause permanent damage, and other injuries can eventually repair with surgery, medication, physiotherapy, counselling and other treatments over time. Whatever type of injury you have had, we are in this for the long haul with you and for you.

If you have had an accident, give us a ring, and we will chat. There are time limitations in making a personal injury claim so don’t hesitate too long!

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