Drink Driving Case Study

2022-12-14T19:27:32+10:0007/12/2022|Articles, General, Motor Vehicle|

Drink Driving Case Study

“A Brisbane woman was allegedly driving drunk when she hit and killed an elderly pedestrian who was walking on a footpath. The Sunnybank Hills woman, 48, was driving on Beenleigh Rd in Kuraby about 7.45am on Sunday when she allegedly struck the 72-year-old woman. The elderly woman died at the scene. The driver allegedly refused to undertake a roadside breath or saliva test, and also allegedly refused to give a blood sample for alcohol content testing. When she eventually did agree to testing, it is alleged she was found to be under the influence of alcohol.”-

Brisbane News November 2022


This news article is just one of many, another tragic event of someone falling victim to a driver’s choice to drink and then drive. Alcohol is a big part of many celebrations in Queensland. Sadly the consequences of people drinking and then driving result in many of

Queensland’s road fatalities and hospitalised casualties.

The cost of driving after too many drinks can be harsh. Social stigma and hardship caused by being unable to drive, court appearances, licence suspension and disqualification, heavy fines and even imprisonment.

The best way to keep you, your driver’s license and most importantly, those around you safe is to be proactive during the upcoming festive celebrations!

If you do not want to limit yourself, plan how you will party.

  • Have a designated driver
  • Choose to travel by taxi, uber or public transport.
  • Host the party at your place and have beds available for guests that are drinking alcohol.
  • Choose venues with a decent non-alcoholic drink selection for the designated driver and to give more options to anyone who needs to limit their alcohol intake for medical or other reasons. Make sure everyone gets to enjoy the party!
  • Keeping tabs on your drinkswith this or this handy app
  • Look out for your mates – don’t let drunk friends drive.

If you or your loved one suffers injuries as a victim of a drink driving accident (either as a passenger, pedestrian,  driver or cyclist), don’t hesitate to reach out to us. The CTP Insurance attached to the vehicle’s registration can fund rehabilitation,  reimburse lost wages and superannuation (also considering future lost earnings,) and fund any care,  support and adaptations you might need for your home or vehicle.   This compensation is there for you to get back on your feet.

If the vehicle is unregistered or if it is a hit-and-run, your lawyer will pursue compensation from the Nominal Defendant – the statutory office acting as the CTP insurer for uninsured or unidentified vehicles.


Safe Driving With Children

2022-10-27T17:07:28+10:0020/10/2022|Articles, General, Motor Vehicle|

Safe driving with kids

Ryan and I love to go all in, and yes, we avoid casinos. This attitude toward life led to the start and continued passion for Revolution Law. This all-in attitude toward growing our firm translated into our personal lives, and we quickly (like super duper quickly) found ourselves with three young children.

Ryan has been in Personal Injury for longer than we have been married. A massive part of his job is helping clients obtain compensation after a car accident. He is hypervigilant that car accidents happen anywhere at any time. Naturally, this makes us feel pretty strongly about our children travelling safely. We confirm our credentials on this topic through the following reasons;

  • Have suffered through ENDLESS backseat bickering
  • Extensive knowledge of the abbess between seat and console (and its ability to swallow not only our phones but also hairclips, socks and lollipop sticks)
  • Our cars have wrappers, and rice crackers smooshed into every crevice
  • We understand the embarrassment of giving someone a lift at the last minute when the car is in all its glory.

Child Seats 

All car seats you purchase in Australia must meet an Australian standard. However, this standard is just the minimum. Government agencies and motorist organisations run the Child Restraint Evaluation Program (CREP) with the common goal of children travelling safely in vehicles. CREP conducts testing and provides information to help you compare and choose the best car seat for your child. It is overwhelming when you’re faced with the choice of fifty car seats at the baby shop. Click this independent website to help narrow down your choice of picking the safest seat.

Child Seat Installation

Don’t get it installed! Learn how to install a car seat correctly yourself! Why? Because you will do this a lot, even if just for the mere task of vacuuming up all the biscuit crumbs. It is worth investing in an easy-to-install seat. 

You can check out the website Kidsafe Queensland; they provide information on where you can book a car seat installation. During this installation, you will also learn how to do it correctly yourself.  


Using the Car Seats Correctly

The Child Car Seat Safety website has videos showing how to fasten children into correctly rear-facing or front-facing, convertible and booster seats. Check out this link


Not only do I want my kids fastened into their seats correctly, but I also want them to travel safely. I also want them to make good choices, which means I have to teach them what this looks like and set firm boundaries regarding seatbelt safety. I think most parents can relate to the stress of their children unbuckling themselves and the frustration of repeatedly removing their arm belts. It’s lucky they’re cute! 


Sizing Up & Exiting Booster Seats

There has always been a strong association of age determining which car seat is correct and whether or not they need it. However, what is more, important than age is the child’s height. Fortunately, car seats have height marking that we can use to determine if our children are the correct size for their seats. If you decide to rent a car with a baby seat for your next holiday, check that they fit the height guidelines BEFORE leaving! 




Adult seat belts are designed for a minimum height of 145cm. So while the general guide is seven years old for moving your child out of a booster seat, they may still not be tall enough to sit safely in a standard car seat. My daughter didn’t get out of her booster until she was 7 1/2. I used the Britax 5 Step Safety Test to help me determine if she could travel safely without the booster. 


Preparing for each car trip

My kids are pretty good travellers that eventually got into the groove that works for us as a family. Things we do include;

  • Providing one of my car-sick-prone kids with travel medication for long or windy car trips. I’m not keen on unwanted vomit on a busy stretch of road.  
  • My kids ready themselves before I start the car. They need to organise everything they want to access, so it is on hand and within reach! I used to do this for them when they were little. Now, if they want something that cannot be accessed safely, it’s too bad, so sad. 
  • We don’t use technology on any car trip that is less than an hour. To avoid fighting, we chat, listen to kid-friendly music and occasionally a children’s podcast. Sometimes they just fight, because they’re kids!


I only have a few more years left of car seats, and I can confirm that I won’t miss them. However, I am grateful for the safety they have provided my kids and the relative protection they have delivered my seats from Poonarmi’s and yoghurt-spills. Ultimately, you never know when a car accident will occur; too often, it will be out of your control. What is in our control is ensuring that our kids are travelling safely. 

Insurers Scaremongering Queenslanders blaming Lawyers for Premium rises

2022-06-28T17:13:04+10:0006/06/2018|Articles, Civil, General|

Insurers Scaremongering Queenslanders blaming Lawyers for Premium rises

The Queensland Law Society shared the following article late last year. We have dug it up to give it the re-share it deserves. Insurers consistently blaming personal injury lawyers is an ongoing and very weak debate which all comes back to the insurers wanting their mega profits to be multi-mega profits.  Queensland’s current CTP scheme runs laps around those from other states and we are strong advocates for it to continue on as is. We have the experience and privileged of supporting injured victims who through no fault of their own have to face a painful and more difficult future. This is the purpose of CTP insurance, to compensate the victims.

Have  a read of the article and share with us your thoughts:

QLD CTP proposal slammed by lawyer group as insurer greed

27th Aug 2017

The Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA) has strongly criticised calls from Suncorp and RACQ for changes to Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance scheme that would see less benefits for injured motorists.

ALA Queensland Director, Rod Hodgson, said the insurer’s defined benefits proposal is driven by a desire for greater profits and fails to recognise that Queensland’s CTP scheme is the best run and best structured CTP scheme in Australia.

“Queenslanders should be proud of the stability, access to justice and affordability provided by our CTP scheme”, Mr Hodgson said.

“Premiums in Queensland are second lowest in the country and the Queensland CTP scheme provides good access to benefits for those who are injured.

“From time to time we see insurers running the argument that the sky will fall in and there is a crisis in the CTP scheme – the problem for the insurers is that is simply not true,” he said.

Mr Hodgson said it’s important to acknowledge a number of facts about CTP insurance in Queensland. They are:

  • In addition to being inexpensive the Queensland scheme has a very low disputation rate, which sees less than 1 per cent of matters commenced go to court;
  • Claims which lack merit are almost non-existent – if an insurer believes that a claim lacks merit they should do their job properly and dispute the claim;
  • The Queensland courts have a strong track record of supporting only claims which have merit and dodgy claims are not tolerated;
  • Defined benefits schemes are simply insurance company code for “we know best, benefits ought to be less and the courts ought to get out”;
  • The interstate experience of such schemes is of higher disputation rates, because people are unhappy with those schemes;
  • A race to the bottom by joining some of those interstate models is not in the interests of Queensland motorists who can be very proud of our present scheme and how it’s run; and
  • Queensland has long had a strong focus on rehabilitation and this was recently enhanced with changes that see those catastrophically injured from 01 July 2016 having access to not fault coverage

Mr Hodgson also singled out RACQ for their rank hypocrisy.

“This is an organisation that promotes itself as an honest advocacy group for motorists, some of whom will have the misfortune to be injured on the road,” Mr Hodgson said.

“RACQ is a big insurer and its call for a defined benefits scheme is in truth a call for a smashing of rights and benefits for those people who have had the misfortune to be injured, often through no fault of their own.

“That detriment to RACQ members reflects perfectly how the RACQ insurance company tail wags the advocacy dog” he said.

How to Choose the Right Compensation Lawyer for your Case

2022-06-28T17:35:33+10:0011/01/2018|Articles, General, Tips & Tricks|

How to Choose the Right Compensation Lawyer for your Case

Have you been injured at work, while driving or in a public place? You may be eligible to make a TPD claim to seek compensation for your injuires and any distress or loss that you have suffered.

In the instance that you are going to seek compensation, it’s important that you first seek appropriate legal representation. With the right legal team by your side, you will be able to ensure that you maximise the compensation available to you while also ensuring that the compensation process is hassle-free and as smooth as possible.

When it comes to choosing your legal representation, it’s important that you consider the overall experience and skill of your lawyer, as well as their experience in your particular area. We’re going to go through some of the main things you need to consider when choosing a personal injury lawyer for your case.

Get Your Family, Friends or Colleagues to Refer You

While you may never have sought compensation before, you can be fairly certain that you know someone who has. It’s prudent that you ask your family, friends and work colleagues for a referral for a personal injury lawyer. If someone trusts a lawyer enough to recommend them to you in your time of need, you can be fairly certain that they’re going to be an asset to you when seeking compensation.

Get Online and Read Their Reviews

When you have a recommendation from someone, it’s not enough to simply go with that – you need to also read reviews about the legal firm and, preferably, about the legal representative themselves. The majority of legal firms have Facebook and other social media profiles, and it’s possible to find reviews and client feedback about your legal professional.

Make sure you take the time to read as much as you can about your prospective lawyer so that you know you’re getting the right person for you. Take a look at their areas of experience – have they worked with road accidents if that’s what you’re seeking compensation for? Perhaps you have been injured at work, in which case you’re going to need to have a legal professional who can provide you with the support you need in this area.

You can also look into the firm itself and check out things like Google reviews or other online review platforms. Then, once you have done sufficient research, you can even call up the firm and have a chat to them to find out if they’re a good fit.

Make Sure They Have the Experience You Need

It’s rare that you’ll find a lawyer who specialises in a number of areas, given that the law is complex and legislation does change fairly regularly. You’ll need to choose a lawyer or a legal firm who are specialists in personal injury, and who have the expertise in your particular field.

At Revolution Law, for example, we specialise in TPD compensation claims.  We are particularly experienced in car accident claims, workers’ compensation, public liability claims and other specialist areas of road accidents like bike injuries, pedestrian injuries and bus injuries. We are experts in these areas and operate on a no win, no fee basis which means that we are here for you with absolutely no risk.

Choose Revolution Law

When you are injured as a result of someone elses’ negligence or actions, it can be an extremely difficult time. Often you are unable to work, exercise or do what you would usually be able to do due to your injury. Our aim as your legal representative is to make the compensation process as smooth and easy as possible so that you can get on with your life. When you work with us at Revolution Law, you have one less thing to worry about.

Contact us today for a free consultation or get in touch via phone on (07) 3416 4999. We are based in Brisbane but also service the Sunshine Coast, the Gold Coast and all suburbs in between.

We Want to See you at Light of the World

2022-06-28T17:37:04+10:0022/10/2017|Articles, General, Uncategorized|

We Want to See you at Light of the World

This year, we are looking forward to being one of the sponsors for ‘Light of the World.’ Light of the World is a fantastic community multicultural music festival which provides a safe and exciting option for anyone looking for a Halloween alternative in the city of Logan. This event is exceptionally well run by the not-for-profit group Children of Destiny, their goal is to provide parents and children with the option to celebrate without the spooky horror which can be very overwhelming for little ones.

Throughout the night there will be a variety of fantastic entertainment from local community groups. This entertainment will include but not  be limited to music, singing and dance performances. There will be food trucks, drink stalls, games and most importantly children will be able to purchase an unlimited ride pass for just $5. This event is totally affordable and fun for everyone which will mean that there will be an incredible turn out.
Revolution Law loves being a part of events like this and we are looking forward to running an easy to win and fun to play chocolate game called Lob a Chocolate. It was easy for us to choose this game because we are huge fans of anything chocolate!  100 percent of the money that we raise on the night will be given to a group that we know personally who organises Christmas gifts for widows in the tribal villages of India. In past years widows have been given chooks which they used to create micro businesses due to the egg lay, they have further been given cooking pots, clothing, heavy duty blankets and access to a social worker. All of these gifts are practical and appreciated with some 500-2000 widows every year be overwhelmed to receive such meaningful gifts at Christmas.
So, don’t forget to dress up in something exciting and bright and come on down to the Light of the World Festival on the 31st of October 2017. The event starts at 4.30 and is located at Mabel Park High on Paradise Road, Slacks Creek Logan.
Should you have recently experienced an injury at work, in a car accident or due to medical negligence our Personal Injury Lawyers will be available to give you free advice and guidance at the festival. Alternatively you can pop into our Logan Personal Injury Law office which is located at the Argonaut on Kingston Road.

Happy Law Firm. Happy Clients. It Just Makes Sense.

2022-06-28T17:38:49+10:0012/09/2017|Articles, General|

Happy Law Firm. Happy Clients. It Just Makes Sense.

Unlike any other personal injury law firm we know, our firm hasn’t been advertising recently. Even our odd billboard has received the chop because we find that every second billboard is that of a personal injury advertisement and the world really doesn’t need one more. We will of course release the odd Facebook post every now and then just so everyone knows that we are not from a prehistoric era and we can be social media savvy.  As such, it has not been our catch phrases, our non-existent marketing team or our incredibly good looks which have been keeping us exceptionally busy lately.

Rather, it has been our past and current clients who have been sharing our name and for that, we are sincerely grateful. For us, this is an overwhelming sense of accomplishment to be in a position where clients are so completely satisfied with our service that not only do they walk away feeling happy with their entire legal experience but they also place their confidence in us by referring us on to their friends and family for any of their personal injury claims.  A large enterprise can’t just rely on Word of Mouth, rather you have to have a consistent and excessively expensive marketing campaign with the costs being passed on to the clients.  Rather than utilising expensive marketing options, at Revolution Law we focus on consistent and memorable service.

A high standard of service can only be provided when you have a team that supports the Director and believes in the ethos of the business. We are fortunate enough to be backed by an incredible team who are each individually committed and exceptional in every way. It is our team that keeps this high standard of service and that are amazing advocates for Revolution Law. We can place our full trust in their hands knowing that each injury matter will be treated with the respect it deserves.  Growth and size of a business take away that personal touch and experience that we know clients are seeking particularly after they have experienced a traumatic accident.

A huge amount of work goes into a running a personal injury claim, they are time intensive, require significant attention to detail and a proactive lawyer that is passionate about going the extra mile as opposed to placing complicated or difficult matters into the too hard basket.   A poorly run claim can have detrimental effects on the end result which once settled, cannot be overturned.  For this reason, we also refuse to advertise when we are experiencing particularly busy periods. We don’t want to ever be in a position where our clients become just a number and we become so time poor that we can’t be anything but exceptional advocates for their injury claims. It doesn’t matter how ‘commercially viable’, how big or how small your claim is – we can guarantee that we will go above and beyond to run your claim to an impeccable standard thus ensuring the best possible outcome.

Ryan our Director regularly gets asked about his ambition for the firm. It seems in law circles, success is often measured by turning a boutique practice into a larger and more corporate personal injury firm. However, for Ryan, success is happiness. Happiness is when your clients are content and feel comfortable to give you a call on your mobile. Happiness is having an amazing legal team who are just as passionate about the business as the Director. Happiness is having the local school kids come in and ask you to buy some hot chips because they haven’t been lurking next to the front door all day. Happiness is being able to give to charities that we believe in. Happiness is when your clients are happy with the results and give you a google review! So perhaps some might be a bit shocked that we don’t just hire more staff, advertise more and grow our firm into an impersonal, money spinning, corporate venture but ultimately, it comes down to the fact that we are just happy with what we have and what we can provide to our clients.

Have you suffered due to someone else’s negligence at work or on the roads?  We can explain your legal rights to ensure that you know where you stand.

If you have questions then check us out on www.revolutionlaw.com.au , call us on 07 3416 3999 or pop into our Logan office on Kingston Road and speak to one of our experienced compensation lawyers.

Historic Brisbane Newspaper shows a very different time.

2022-06-28T17:40:08+10:0001/08/2017|Articles, General, Uncategorized|

Historic Brisbane Newspaper shows a very different time.

An eclectic collection of the Brisbane Courier Mail newspapers all dated from 1932 have some wonderful news stories and advertisements which capture this period beautifully.

One quirky article told of seven-year-old Doris riding her horse to school – as you do in 1932.  On her way, she was thrown from the horse and broke her arm. Despite such a horrific accident the little girl captured the horse and then proceeded to walk the quarter of a mile back to her home.  It astonished me that this little girl could keep her wits, put her pain aside and understand the value of capturing the horse.  Tough times like the Great Depression bred even tougher children.

‘The Law Courts’ segment of the Newspaper must of be a very popular column in the 1930’s. One article that stood out due to the stark contrast to how the matter would be handled today told the incident of a young girl named Beryl who was injured in a car accident.  The article outlines how Beryl whom was aged 5 years by her mother  was crossing the road Flinders-parade at Sandgate when she knocked down by a car driven by Mr. Keith Brown. This car accident saw Beryl sustain a fracture to her left leg and suffer severe shock. Her medical expenses had already amounted to 11 pound and she would continue to incur further medical expenses in the future.

Berly’s mother Mrs. Mount was a widow who would have had minimal support if any from the government,  and I imagine that the further scarcity of money at the time she must of feel exceptionally overwhelmed by all these medical expenses. Mrs Mount brought forward and action of 500 pound in compensation damages with allegations that the defendant had been negligent in failing to keep a proper look out and not giving proper warning of his approach.  Unfortunately the story ends here, which is highly disappointing because it would be interesting to have found out how the car accident compensation claim in the 1930’s played out. Was Mrs. Mount able to obtain a solicitor that worked on a No Win No Fee basis to state her case? Was she awarded the 500 pounds for her daughters medical expenses? What happened to Beryl?

Fancy a judge saying he must have been ‘Anxious to go to Heaven’.

2022-06-28T17:41:53+10:0018/07/2017|Articles, General|

Fancy a judge saying he must have been ‘Anxious to go to Heaven’.

Nothing beats the excitement of opening a vintage newspaper. Today I read The Courier Mail dated November 8, 1939.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, they don’t do news like they use to! This paper is just juicy with fabulous little stories, local happenings and brilliant advertisements.  It gives such a fascinating insight to a period of time which not only saw the Great Depression but also the lead up to World War 2.  I can only imagine the hardship and the perseverance for the Australian’s which saw this era through and they have my complete and up-most respect.

Women would join together to knit socks for soldiers.

The Department of Main’s Roads as cited on their website played a significant role in unemployment relief during the 1930’s. In Queensland, the Story Bridge was built along with Somerset Dam and the University of St Lucia. Brisbane had trams and cars could drive along Queen street. I think we can officially blame the 1930’s for today’s traffic because it was during this time that highway systems and main roads began to take shape.

In saying that, we can’t hold a grudge because I’m sure the foresight of the type of road network that Queensland would require would have seemed a little far-fetched considering that in 1937 the total tally of privately owned cars in Queensland had only just reached 111,000.  This is a stark contrast to today’s some 2,756,944 cars travelling on QLD roads – a massive figure in comparison  that does not even take into consideration other modes of transport such a motorbikes, trucks and buses.

A time when all car accidents were news worthy.

In 1939 the Judge Mr. Justice Brennan advocated for a special court for motor cases. He believed that people involved in car accidents were certainly not criminals and nor were they the criminal type.  He further determined that motor cars were becoming a permanent fixture to Queensland roads and that there would only be an increase in car accidents as more people started driving.

This suggestion came after the Judge discharged Mark Hinchcliff on a bond of 10 pound after he pleaded guilty to a charge of grievous bodily harm. Mr. Hinchcliff was the driver of a car that struck Douglas Roseta. It was interesting that the Judge came to this conclusion particularly when the Police and medical attendees determined that Mr. Hinchcliff was driving under the influence.

I took this to mean that he was drunk, which could only mean that the Judge was not determining drink driving to be a criminal activity.  In fact, the Judge went onto say, ‘If people will gossip on the roads when good footpaths are available they must be anxious to go to heaven, because it is a sure way under present conditions.’  Poor chatty Roseta was a bit harshly done by the Judge although I should say that at least Mr. Hinchcliff paid him a total of 406 pound in compensation and medical expenses.

The RACQ which was established in 1905 opposed the Judge’s desire for a special court for motor cases, the president of the RACQ voiced that, ‘If he is not guilty of criminal negligence then he should not be charged. I cannot see the Judge’s point. If a motorist is charged with a criminal offence there is no reason why he should receive special treatment.’

Potentially I reason that the only types of folk that could afford a motor car were the elite upper class, a class that the Judge would have been apart of.  For the judge it must of seemed unfathomable for someone from the white-collar class to be demonstrating criminal behavior.  A different time indeed.

Such a fascinating article, but perhaps just for me because that’s what we do at Revolution Law. We advocate the rights of those that are injured in car accidents and drink driving being permissible is just a little far-fetched for the likes of us!

But here’s what you are after, more brilliant moments from November 1939.

Know someone that needs to keep their distance?

When swimmers made you smart as opposed to slim.

You mean it requires no batteries? It doesn’t need electricity? And it’s from the 1930’s-MIND BLOWN!

Keep you figure Young-Slim and Healthy. Sign me up.

Have you suffered due to someone else’s negligence at work or on the roads?  We can explain your legal rights to ensure that you know where you stand.

If you have questions then check us out on www.revolutionlaw.com.au , call us on 07 3416 3999 or pop into our Logan office on Kingston Road and speak to one of our experienced compensation lawyers.

1932 Newspapers are Gold indeed.

2022-06-28T17:44:16+10:0012/07/2017|Articles, General|

1932 Newspapers are Gold indeed.

This morning I have been reading the Brisbane Courier Newspaper.  You know the one? It was renamed to ‘The Courier Mail’ in 1933. This yellowing fragile 1932 paper smells deliciously of history. The news is fascinating, unlike the gossip which plagues Facebook news feeds with the current day edition.

Over coming weeks, I am looking forward to sharing some of the fascinating finds from these papers which range from the early 1930’s to the 1980’s. We will be covering it all, from article’s on Hitler,  to Russia leading the Space Race , Princess Di’s wedding and obviously reminiscing on all the  hilarious and awkward advertisements before political correctness and advertising standards.  Really this type of brilliance can only be found in newspapers of this calibre.

Considering that we are Brisbane based business it seems only appropriate that we show our true Queensland colours ahead of tonight’s State of Origin clash and I think that the best way to do that is by high lighting our locally manufactured XXXX beer which has been the sponsor of the QLD Maroons for the past 27 years.

Nothing beats a great ad and as seen from the below photos which I captured from this morning’s light reading this is something that even in 1932, XXXX could be absolutely applauded for.

It seems that the Milton based brewery has had no end of news time lately, from the fire which placed fear in the hearts of many avid gold drinkers to the recent claims that the XXXX Brewery would be closing down.  This claim of closure has fortunately been slammed as false and we will continue to see XXXX sponsoring our much-loved Maroons for another four years in a sponsorship deal made only last month.

Our boss that despite claims of being an avid maroons supporter shamefully arrived to work dressed in blue-booooooooooooooo. He has only regained our certainty of knowing that his allegiance lies with the right team by ensuring that our work fridge has been stocked correctly ahead of tonight’s game. So I for one am looking forward to knock off tonight- GO QUEENSLANDER!

A special mention to the www.therubbishremovers.com.au for supplying us with this wonder stash of history.

We are Revolution Law the No Win No Fee Experts Brisbane.  If you haven been in a Work or Road Accident you may have a TPD claim. If you have questions then check us out on www.revolutionlaw.com.au , call us on 07 3416 3999 or pop into our Logan law office on Kingston Road and speak to one of our experienced lawyers.

Australian Lawyers Alliance Media Release – Disingenuous Insurer Seeking To Undermine QLD CTP Review Process

2023-09-06T09:10:37+10:0017/03/2017|Articles, General|

Australian Lawyers Alliance Media Release – Disingenuous Insurer Seeking To Undermine QLD CTP Review Process

As a law firm, it is always easy to enjoy a media release from the Australian Lawyers Alliance.  The latest article on the 20th of March 2017 highlights how insurance companies, particularly the RACQ are seeking to undermine the important review process that the Motor Accident and Insurance Commission (MAIC) has currently undertaken in regards to Queensland’s Comprehensive Third Party (CTP) scheme.

The highlights of the article include:

  • Queensland continues to have the best CTP scheme in Australia.
  • RACQ has suggested that the MAIC has undertaken an improper process with the CTP review.
  • The Australian Lawyers Alliance spokesperson Rod Hodgson notes that the RACQ is an insurance company first and therefore the best interest’s of their members comes a distant second.
  • Mr. Hodgston further comments on how for years CTP insurers have been making double the profit percentage that they were originally modeled to receive under the scheme.
  • As scheme regulator, the MAIC are doing their job by investigating the super profits of insurance companies.
  • Mr. Hodgson commends the MAIC and urges them to continue forth with the review irrespective of unwarranted attacks from insurers to ensure that Queensland’s CTP remains the best in Australia for supporting injured motorists.

Should you wish to read the media release in its entirety follow the link below.


Word Is Getting Out About Revolution Law – What A Day

2022-06-28T17:54:40+10:0029/09/2016|Articles, General, Injury|

Word Is Getting Out About Revolution Law – What A Day

We have had some rapid growth in new personal injury clients occurring over the past few months particularly with our referral base where the word about our capped fees on no win, no fee personal injury claims is really getting out.

We’ve seen client enquiries and visitor numbers to our website increasing Gradually each & every month but today we literally saw an explosion in visitors and client enquiries alike.

Whilst we are extremely happy to see our firm excel, we actually find more happiness in being able to help everyday Queenslanders as we love nothing more than to see them from the start of their journey from the difficult times to the better times when we are able to provide some closure and obtain justified compensation but also go one step further to ensure that they always receive the majority of their settlement, rather than losing half.

So we thought we would share you in our success, not just today but our overriding success in helping others with the personal injury claims whether it be a motor vehicle accident to a work injury claim – we are there for you!

A snapshot of our successful day today (and it isn’t even over) with an explosion of Queensland Based Visitors

CTP Due? Are You Wondering What QLD’s Four Biggest Insurers Generate In Insurance Premiums?

2022-06-28T17:57:50+10:0024/08/2016|Articles, General, Tips & Tricks|

CTP Due? Are You Wondering What QLD’s Four Biggest Insurers Generate In Insurance Premiums?

Recently we reviewed the annual results for the 2014- 2015 Motor Accident Insurance Commission’s annual report. We noted that within QLD the four big insurers generate close to $1.5 billion in insurance premiums and from that huge amount, only 750 million is paid out in claims. The total pool of motor vehicle claims in QLD totaled 6,734. An average claim therefore totaled approximately $111,375.

Each claim is different, some worth more than this average and some worth less. When clients ask us what their claim is worth, we are able to give ball park figures based on our experience. However, each claim is unique and this ball park figure can often become distorted by the evidence we discover during the claim process.

So taking that figure of $750 million which is paid out in claims, we have untangled the results to provide a further breakdown from the percentage of the claim payments into the areas of a claim to illustrate the main components of a motor vehicle claim.

Economic Loss (loss of income from work) – 48%

This area is the main focus of any claim therefore there are a lot of categories of clients that are disadvantaged in a claim despite receiving the same injury as another claimant, if they do not prepare their claim in a way that represents the loss suffered, there claim will be significantly reduced.

General Damages (pain and suffering experienced) – 11.2%

There is a real stigma in the community that they should be adequately compensated for the pain and suffering that an injured person received as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Unfortunately the 2010 Government reforms reduced the amounts of compensation that can be awarded for pain and suffering or loss of amenity of life which resulted in this damage being significantly reduced in claims.

 Legal Costs (contribution to legal fees & evidence costs) – 15.6%

This figure is another result of Government reform as the threshold that needs to be reached for an injury claimant to obtain a contribution towards their legal costs continues to increase each year thereby becoming more difficult to obtain. That said, it is still being obtained however without expert in personal injury law, it would be difficult to reach the upper threshold to receive a higher settlement thereby receive the contribution.

Medical/Treatment – 10.5%  

This is a payment to reimburse for medical treatment or rehabilitation or future medical costs.

Care (Medical and Gratuitous Care) – 9.1%  

A lot of people do not know that they are entitled to claim gratuitous and/or paid care that is required due to a motor vehicle accident. Gratuitous care is the care provided to a person without receiving payment and can include domestic care, nursing services and general services that aim to lessen the consequences of the motor vehicle injury.

Other – 5.6%

This can cover other areas such as interest and tax.

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