Revolution Law

1932 Newspapers are Gold indeed.

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1932 Newspapers are Gold indeed.

This morning I have been reading the Brisbane Courier Newspaper.  You know the one? It was renamed to ‘The Courier Mail’ in 1933. This yellowing fragile 1932 paper smells deliciously of history. The news is fascinating, unlike the gossip which plagues Facebook news feeds with the current day edition.

Over coming weeks, I am looking forward to sharing some of the fascinating finds from these papers which range from the early 1930’s to the 1980’s. We will be covering it all, from article’s on Hitler,  to Russia leading the Space Race , Princess Di’s wedding and obviously reminiscing on all the  hilarious and awkward advertisements before political correctness and advertising standards.  Really this type of brilliance can only be found in newspapers of this calibre.

Considering that we are Brisbane based business it seems only appropriate that we show our true Queensland colours ahead of tonight’s State of Origin clash and I think that the best way to do that is by high lighting our locally manufactured XXXX beer which has been the sponsor of the QLD Maroons for the past 27 years.

Nothing beats a great ad and as seen from the below photos which I captured from this morning’s light reading this is something that even in 1932, XXXX could be absolutely applauded for.

It seems that the Milton based brewery has had no end of news time lately, from the fire which placed fear in the hearts of many avid gold drinkers to the recent claims that the XXXX Brewery would be closing down.  This claim of closure has fortunately been slammed as false and we will continue to see XXXX sponsoring our much-loved Maroons for another four years in a sponsorship deal made only last month.

Our boss that despite claims of being an avid maroons supporter shamefully arrived to work dressed in blue-booooooooooooooo. He has only regained our certainty of knowing that his allegiance lies with the right team by ensuring that our work fridge has been stocked correctly ahead of tonight’s game. So I for one am looking forward to knock off tonight- GO QUEENSLANDER!

A special mention to the for supplying us with this wonder stash of history.

We are Revolution Law the No Win No Fee Experts Brisbane.  If you haven been in a Work or Road Accident you may have a TPD claim. If you have questions then check us out on , call us on 07 3416 3999 or pop into our Logan law office on Kingston Road and speak to one of our experienced lawyers.

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