Revolution Law

What To Do When A Car Accident Is Not Your Fault?

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What To Do When A Car Accident Is Not Your Fault?

So, you have been unlucky enough to end up in a motor vehicle accident at the fault of the other driver. It is understandable to feel overwhelmed and stressed, but there are some steps that need to be taken to ensure you can seamlessly make a claim, especially if you are uninsured.

To make things easier we have put together a list of our top 10 tips about motor vehicle property damage and who to call when you need help.

Stay at the scene & call an ambulance is necessary

Once an accident occurs you need to stop and stay at the scene of the accident. If you or the other driver/s are injured, then call 000 and request an ambulance to the scene of the accident.

Call the police

Even if you do not think the accident is that serious, it is important to call the Police if any involved parties are injured, if vehicles need to be towed, or if you estimate the damages are in excess of $3000. If they do not attend then you should still report the accident.

Obtain as many details as possible

While you wait for emergency services to show up try to gather as many contact details as possible. Important information includes full names and addresses, registration details, phone numbers, and insurer details. If there are any witnesses also try to obtain a witness statement and contact details from them. Taking photos of the accident from a variety of angles is also important for insurance purposes.

Contact the at fault driver

If the at fault driver is insured and puts in a claim then you can expect to hear from their provider. It is common for providers to request quotes for the damage incurred to your vehicle or other information to help with the claims process. If the at fault driver does not make a claim then you can take steps yourself. Even if you are uninsured you are still able to make a claim for compensation. The first step is to send the driver a Letter of Demand. This letter requests that the individual responds by a specific date and includes quotes that you have obtained from licensed motor vehicle repairers.

Driver refusing to respond?

If the at fault driver refuses to respond to your letter of demand then you can contact their insurance provider.  They will assess the police accident report, witness statements, and any photo or video evidence from the scene. You also have the option to take legal action. The experienced team at Revolution Law can help you with your car accident or property damage claims.

It is better to be prepared for the worst. By following these steps, you should hopefully be less stressed if you unfortunately end up in an accident. If you have any other questions simply get in touch with our friendly team today for an obligation free quote or for a chat.

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