Timeliness In A No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claim
“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune” – Shakespeare
While Shakespeare may have been ambitious about leading on to fortune with regards to Personal Injury Claims, which are more about compensation than enrichment. That is to return the client to a position he or she would have been had the injury not occurred. Where Shakespeare is correct though is the importance of timeliness, “taking the tide at the flood” as it were.
Immediately after an accident, the most important thing you should do is look after your health. Then you can begin thinking about personal injury claims; bearing in mind that you can lose your right to claim for compensation if you fail to take certain steps within the required time frames.
It is essential to instruct a lawyer well before the expiry dates because there are procedures that must be done before commencing legal proceedings. Failure to act in time may result in you losing your right to claim compensation forever; or as Shakespeare would have it “Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries”
Here at Revolution Law, we offer a free first consultation, during which your claim will be assessed and you will be advised accordingly. We collect all the documents, medical reports and statements on your behalf and make sure that your claim is lodged in a timely manner. And ”On such a full sea we can now float, and take the current as it serves and not lose our venture”.
To find out more about lodging your claim in a timely manner contact us by phone or send us an email.