Do Insurance Companies Discriminate on Car Insurance Policies? 

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Do Insurance Companies Discriminate on Car Insurance Policies? 

Insurance companies rely on factors such as age, gender, type of car and living location when determining how much a policy owner will pay in premiums. In 2021, a year where people have been more vocal and impassioned about their rights, it feels strange that such discrimination goes on without protest. Insurance companies are protected because anti-discrimination legislation has an exemption for insurers if they satisfy that their discrimination is based on statistical data which is reasonable. 

So Why Are Men Paying More for Insurance?  

Statistics do not paint a pretty picture for male drivers. Men are nearly twice as likely to be hospitalized after a car accident and nearly three times as likely to die in car accident. In both fatal and non-fatal car crashes, men are statistically a higher risk and consequently they pay for this risk in their premiums.

Are women better drivers? 

In short, no. The statistics of traffic injuries and deaths because of traffic accidents don’t reflect the levels of competence and driving skills between male and female rather it is associated with patterns of high risk behavior when driving. 

Data consistently show that men are more likely than women to be driving or walking on the road under the influence of alcohol.

Studies in risky driving behaviour have shown men are more likely to speed, pass cars in no passing zones and taking driving risks for fun. 

There is also evidence that shows that men tend to be more aggressive than women. When driving men can display a more competitive and hostile behaviour which leads to increased probability of an accident. 

Let’s Change the Statistics 

Awareness and driver education is key.  There are some very powerful norms about risk taking behind the wheel and manhood and this consequently has shaped poor driving behaviour.  The Social Issues Research Centre 2004)

WHO Department of Gender and Women’s Health, Gender and Road Traffic Injuries

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